Academic Coaching Not Just Another Project League for Innovations Washington DC March 19, 2018
Dr. Rebecca Goosen Associate Vice Chancellor for College Preparatory San Jacinto College Houston, TX
Today’s Agenda Define coaching Case example of classroom coaching in action Implementation and scaling; moving forward
Difference between Academic Advising Academic Coaching Process Checklist Academic Coaching Relational Who has the most potential contact points with students?
Sue Sue has two semesters to go until she gets her AA degree. She is transferring to University of Houston in Engineering. She has a 3.99 GPA. She has taken a STEM Pathway course sequence. If you are the academic advisor what are you going to talk to her about?
Sue, a little more information……. Sue is in your 8 am Engineer I course, attends everyday, contributes to the class. What you don’t know? She has been thrown out of her house because her father did not want her there anymore. She is sleeping on a friends sofa. She wanted to be an Engineer because her mother wanted her to be. Sue shows some interest in retailing and loves the beach. As her academic coach how does that conversation differ?
Academic coaching is Relational Where is the most contact with students occur? An institutional culture of coaching Not just for faculty or advisors Everyone's responsibility from President to the grounds keepers
Components Powerful questions Building relationships Ongoing accountability Student lens drives the conversation Acknowledging the students interests, abilities, desires, etc. Accountability
Application of Coaching Framework to Intentional Connections Students that enroll at all three of the lowest levels of developmental education never receive any kind of credential ABE level with a high school credential Enroll in learning communities Intrusive instructor and advisor intervention Career services and site visits Informal coaching is one reason it works
What happened? Fall 2011 Fall 2017 GPA 1.19 Persistence (fall to spring) 81.0% Course success A-C 70% Fall 2017 GPA 2.04 Persistence (fall to spring) 79.7%* Course success A-C 74% Hurricane Harvey occurred fall 2017, over all College Prep saw a 35% decrease in enrollment from spring 2017
Why did it happen? Informal Coaching Faculty Advising Someone Noticed (imposter syndrome)
Where do we go from here? 35% of these students are still general studies at the end of the first semester Know that African American Males benefit from the advising contact Add the structured coaching skills to the trained faculty advisors to strengthen that piece Expand training to administrators and staff as well
Question? Rebecca Goosen Associate Vice Chancellor for College Preparatory San Jacinto College, Houston, TX