The human liver contains many specialized cells that secrete bile The human liver contains many specialized cells that secrete bile. Only these cells produce bile because (1) different cells use different parts of the genetic information they contain (2) cells can eliminate the genetic codes that they do not need (3) all other cells in the body lack the genes needed for the production of bile (4) these cells mutated during embryonic development
Can ANY organism make the enzymes and proteins for ANY OTHER organism? Biotechnology ALL organisms have genes, DNA is universal. ALL genes instruct ribosomes how to build proteins from amino acids. ALL proteins and enzymes have shapes that affect function. Can ANY organism make the enzymes and proteins for ANY OTHER organism? YES!
All DNA is universal, but sometimes it looks different.
DNA can be cut at specific locations and pasted back together.
DNA can be cut at specific locations and pasted back together. This requires special enzymes called Restriction Enzymes (to cut) and Ligase (to paste).
DNA can be cut at specific locations and pasted back together. This requires special enzymes called Restriction Enzymes (to cut) and Ligase (to paste). One Gene Different Gene
DNA can be cut at specific locations and pasted back together. This requires special enzymes called Restriction Enzymes (to cut) and Ligase (to paste). Recombinant DNA!
Infect cat sperm with virus BEFORE fertilization. Engineer a virus with gene from a fluorescent jellyfish. Infect cat sperm with virus BEFORE fertilization. All cat’s cells now produce fluorescent jellyfish protein!
A scientist wants to change the DNA of a sexually reproducing organism and have the new DNA present in every cell of the organism. To do this she could change the DNA in the (1) fetus’s brain (2) placenta (3) blood of the early embryo (4) ovaries of the mother
Should people grow & eat GMOs? Genetically Modified Organisms PRO CON