Epidemiology of Туре 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) among children of Novosibirsk City, Russia From year 2000 the Novosibirsk City Diabetes Center became responsible for collecting epidemiologic information as City Diabetes registry in the frame of all Russia Diabetes Registry. City registry is collecting information on new cases of Type one diabetes using the same criteria as Center in DIAMOND program. www.pitt.edu/~super1/lecture/lec2151/index.htm Sazonova O.V., Simonova G.I., Shubnikov E.V., Galenok V.A., Vaskina E.A., Nikiforov O.A., Akopova A.G., Choubnikova J.M., Nikitin Yu.P. Novosibirsk State Medical University, Institute of Internal Medicine, City Diabetes center, Center for Endocrinology “SibDiab”, Novosibirsk, Russia
Novosibirsk is big industrial center in Western Siberia T1DM is the most common chronic disease among children in Russia and worldwide. Recently we have merged incidence data from two main T1DM children’ databases of big industrial City in Western Siberia - Novosibirsk.
Objective: To evaluate time trends of T1DM incidence among children under age 15 from 1980 to 2006 years in Novosibirsk City according data of population registries.
The goals of Investigation: To find out time trends of T1DM incidence among 0-14 years old children in Novosibirsk City from 1980 to 2006 years. To estimate age-sex peculiarities of T1DM incidence in Novosibirsk City. To estimate seasonality of manifestation of T1DM among children during the years 2000-2006. Novosibirsk is third largest Russian City with predominantly Russian population - 93,8%.
Methods: The epidemiologic survey in Novosibirsk City has been conducted according to standards of WHO program “Diamond” (1980-2000) and Russian National Registry of DM (from 2000). Two sources of information have been used including data from Novosibirsk’s City hospitals and data from Novosibirsk’s City children endocrinologists. There were four criteria for inclusion – DM diagnosis, manifestation before 15 birthday, Novosibirsk City’ citizenship for at least 1 year and insulin implementation as initial treatment . The number of cases for 2000 year, estimated by both methods independently, was identical. Sources of information and criteria for inclusion were identical for both registries.
The time trends of T1DM incidence among children under age 15 from 1980 to 2006 years in Novosibirsk City. During the last 26 years incidence of T1DM among children of Novosibirsk City has been multiplied 3 times and exceeds the average Russian rate.
There is similar patterns of incidence among children of Novosibirsk City, Moscow City and Russia in whole Type 1 diabetes incidence among children 0-14 years old in Novosibirsk has epidemic features, similar to high incidence in other biggest Cities of Russia, as Moscow and St.Petersburg.
The mean T1DM incidence was significantly higher in 2000-2006 study period: 1980-1989 1990-1999 2000-2006 10 5 15 95%CI (7,1-9,9) 95%CI (4,1-6,6) 95%CI (13,4-18,5) The mean T1DM incidence was extremely higher in 2000-2006 study period: 16,0 cases per 100.000 children (95% CI 13,4-18,5) than in 1990-1999 and 1980-1989 study periods, where it was 8,5 (95% CI 7,1-9,9) and 5,4 (95% CI 4,1-6,6) accordingly.
There is significant growth of incidence among both sexes During 2006 year, in comparison with the year 1980, the number of registered children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes was in 3.1 times more and the incidence was more in about 5 times, from 4,42 to 21,47 cases per 100.000 children population.
The mean T1DM incidence among children from 0-4 age group was lower compare to 5-9 and 10-14 age groups. During 26 years the biggest increase of incidence was registered among children from 5-9 age group.
The mean T1DM incidence among children of 0-4 years old, Novosibirsk, Russia 95% CI (4,3-13,7) 95% CI (5,4-8,9) 95% CI (1,3-3,8) There is a significant growth of incidence among children of 0-4 age group for 1990-1999 study period. The incidence was: 2,5 (95% CI 1,3-3,8), 7,1 (95% CI 5,4-8,9), 9,0 (95% CI 4,3-13,7) in the 1980-1989, 1990-1999 and 2000-2006 study periods, accordingly.
The mean T1DM incidence among children of 5-9 years old, Novosibirsk, Russia 95% CI (15,7-25,4) 95% CI (3,7-7,1) The mean T1DM incidence among children in age group 5-9 is also growing: 5,4 (95% CI 3,7-7,1), 9,6 (95% CI 7,0-12,1), 20,6 (95% CI 15,7-25,4) . The age group of 5-9 years has the highest levels of T1DM incidence in 1990-1999 and 2000-2006 study periods. 95% CI (7,0-12,1)
The mean T1DM incidence among children of 10-14 years old, Novosibirsk, Russia 95% CI (10,1-26,6) The mean T1DM incidence among children in age group 10-14 is also growing: 8,7 (95% CI 5,8-11,6), 8,4 (95% CI 6,4-10,4), 18,8 (95% CI 10,1-26,6) . The age group of 10-14 years has the highest levels of T1DM incidence in 1980-1989 study periods among other age groups only. 95% CI (5,8-11,6) 95% CI (6,4-10,4)
Trends and the Prognosis of Incidence growth in different age groups among Novosibirsk City children. Further researches are necessary to identify the causes of the continuous growth of T1DM incidence among Novosibirsk’s children for development and implementation of primary prevention programs
Seasonality in manifestation of T1DM cases among children 0-14 years during 2000-2006 years with picks in March and October