Model-View-Controller A Design Pattern SE-2030 Dr. Mark L. Hornick
Model-View-Controller is one of many different types of Design Patterns A Design Pattern is A “standard” arrangement of certain classes that comprise a solution to a given problem These classes interact in a specific way to implement a specific functionality The same type of function is typically found in many types of applications Other Design Patterns are covered in SE-2811 (Software Component Design) SE-2030 Dr. Mark L. Hornick
The Model-View-Controller pattern is an arrangement of three classes Controller Reacts to user events and responds by invoking actions on the Model notifies modifies Model The specific representation of data which the application operates upon View Presents the Model to the user (UI); Notifies Controller of user interactions displays SE-2030 Dr. Mark L. Hornick
UML Class diagram for a Calculator app SE-2030 Dr. Mark L. Hornick