Sept. 4, 2018 Collect PDN from Blue Basket Collect textbook from cart Sharpen pencil Sit in seat quietly and complete P.D.N Sept. 4, 2018
P.D.N. Objects in Space Day 1 Name: __________ Per: __ Directions: Copy down Question and write the answer to the question directly below it. Open textbook to page listed for each question , Read to assist with answers to questions below. One ___________________ ____________ equals the average distance between the Earth and the Sun, about 2. _______________________ kilometers. (pg. 360) 3. Another name for a moon is a ____________________. (pg. 363) ________________________ is the movement of one object around another. IT is the path, or 5. _____________ A planet travels as it goes around the sun. (pg.367) Word Bank: Orbit Satellite Astronomical Unit Revolution 150,000 km
The larger the planet the ______________ the force of PDN Objects in Space Day 2. Name___________________________________ Period: ____ Directions: Copy down Question and write the answer to the question directly below it. Open textbook to page listed for each question , Read to assist with answers to questions below. 1. What law states that every object in the universe attracts every other object? (pg. 368) 2. The strength of the force of ____________ depends on the masses of two objects. (pg.369) The larger the planet the ______________ the force of 4. _____________ excreted on it. (pg. 369) 5. The planets orbit around the sun because it has the ______________ ______________. (Pg.369) Word Bank: Some words may be used more then once. A)Greatest mass B)Law of universal gravitation C) Greater D) Gravity
TEK 6.11 A/B/C Regular 6.11 A/B (A) describe the physical properties, locations, and movements of the Sun, planets, moons, meteors, asteroids, and comets; (B) understand that gravity is the force that governs the motion of our solar system; Honors 6.11 C (C) describe the history and future of space exploration, including the types of equipment and transportation needed for space travel.
LO: Regular: Students will create a diagram to correctly sequence the objects in our solar system. Honors: students will complete a Textbook Quest (no chrome books) to investigate how space exploration has evolved over time, past to present.
Students will complete 5/5 questions over objects in space. DOL Regular: Students will complete 5/5 questions over objects in space. Honors: students will complete 5/5 questions over space exploration of the past.
Complete PDN in table groups Solar System Diagrams DOL Quiz Honors: Regular: 1. Complete PDN on own 2. Brainstorm in small groups (space Exploration) 3. Great Space Race Video Clip 4. Textbook / Web quest over Space Exploration 5. DOL Quiz Complete PDN in table groups Solar System Diagrams DOL Quiz
Space Exploration Brainstorm 1. In small groups, table partner make a bubble chart (Pg. 3 in Journal) to brainstorm what you think Space Exploration means, is. 2. Pick 1 item that stands out from group brainstorm, write idea down on “bubble” that Coach supplied big and neat 3. Class regroups and share ideas to add to class bubble map
The Space Race Video As you watch the video see how many new things you can add to your bubble chart and/or correct on your bubble map Video Link: https://gtm-media- Regroup and discuss
Space Exploration Timeline Textbook/Web Quest 1. Teacher will explain expectations / procedures for completing quest. 2. Students will work in pairs to complete textbook/web quest timeline Textbook pages: 420-437 1st 6 Weeks Space Exploration Web Quest
Honors DOL Quiz DOL Space Exploration of the past Name: _______________________ Per: ____ 1. What country started the great space race? 2. What was sent into space in A: USA C: Mexico 1957 that began the space race? B: Africa D: Soviet Union A: Sputnik I C: Apollo B: Explorer 1 D: Freedom 7 3. What was the first thing that the united States 4. What was the name of the government Sent into orbit? Agency the USA created in 1958? A: Sputnik 1 C: Apollo A: Freedom C: Apollo B: Explorer 1 D: Freedom 7 B: I.S.S D: NASA 5. When was the first human launched into space? A: 1958 B: 2018 C: 1961 D: 1957
Regular 3. Diagram must include: 1. Teacher will review expectations and procedures for creating diagram of the solar system3. 2. Students will work in groups of 2 to complete Diagram (Due at end of class Period) 3. Diagram must include: Sun * Comet * Meteoroid * Asteroid Belt All 8 planets in correct order, draw to scale Labels on all objects Neatness / creativity Counts First/Last Name of all members in the group and Class period on back of diagram
Regular DOL Quiz DOL Objects in Space Quiz Name: __________________________________ Period: _____ A student wants to use objects she finds around the house to model Mercury, Venus, and Earth. Which model best compares the relative sizes of these three planets? A: three basketballs C: two softballs and one basketball B: two basketballs and D: one marble, one softball, and one softball one basketball 2. Which planet’s orbit is farthest from Earth’s? A: Jupiter C: Saturn B: Neptune D: Uranus 3. Pluto is an example of a(n) ______________. A: dwarf planet C: outer planet B: inner planet D: planetesimal 4. What property is shared by all the inner planets? A: thick atmosphere C: Ring System B: rocky surface D: liquid water 5. What lies between Mars and Jupiter but is not a planet? A: Meteor C: Asteroid Belt B: Comet D: Sun