COMM 1001: Modulation & Coding Course Instructor : Tallal Elshabrawy Instructor Office : C3.321 Lecture Time & Loc. : Mon. 1st Slot (08:30 AM - 10:00AM) H8, Thurs. 4th Slot (12:15 PM - 1:45PM) H8 Instructor Email :
References “Communication Systems”, S. Haykin, Wiley; 4th edition, 2000 “Digital Communications”, J. G. Proakis, McGraw-Hill, 4 edition, 2000 “Digital Communications: Fundamental & Applications”, B. Sklar, Prentice Hall, 2001 “OFDM for Wireless Multimedia Communications”, Richard D.J. van Nee, Artech House Publishers, 1999
Course Pre-Requisites Signals & Systems Communication Theory Channel Coding Modulation II
Why Modulation & Coding Communications: Modulation & Coding constitute two thirds of the soul of digital communications Networks: To design an optimal communication network, understanding physical layer capabilities of such network is of significant importance
What will you learn from the Course? Basics of Modulation & Coding Tradeoffs of Modulation & Coding Modulation in latest generations of digital communications Channel coding techniques in latest generations of digital communications How modulation & coding complement each other in latest generations of digital communications
What do you need to study the Course? Understand the physical meaning of things. (Digital communications is not just equations/derivations) Probability Problem Solving MATLAB Programming
Course Assessment Assignments (Theoretical) 10% Assignments (Practical) 5% Quiz (Theoretical) 10% Project (Theoretical) 10% Mid-Term Exam (Theoretical) 20% Final Exam (Theoretical) 45%
Course Contents Previously on IET Modulation & Coding (Introduction) Signals & Systems Communication theory Channel coding Modulation II Modulation & Coding (Introduction) Tradeoffs Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM) Modulation & Coding Schemes in latest generations of digital communications Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) (Modulation) Turbo Codes (Channel Coding) LDPC (Channel Coding) Adaptive Modulation & Coding Hierarchical Modulation