Bridgewater State College Preparing Geoscience Professionals
Strategies: Faculty Mentoring: This involves moving beyond course advising. We work with students early in their education to help them develop a plan that will make them more qualified and more competitive upon graduation.
Strategies Leadership Opportunities: Provide ways for students to become more visible members of the department outside of the normal classroom (Academic club, Honor Society, Lecture Series, etc.)
Strategies Undergraduate Research: This activity can be extracurricular (during the summer) or can be performed to meet program requirements. To support this activity, we use our departmental budget to support faculty mentored student research.
Strategies: Internships: This activity can be performed to meet program requirements.
Strategies: Rigorous curriculum with non-optional technical courses: Physical and Historical Geology Geomorphology and Structural Geology Mineralogy and Petrology Sedimentology and Paleontology Geochemistry or Geophysics Hydrology Field Methods Elective (3 credits): May be Undergraduate Research or Internship One year each (Physics, Chemistry, Calculus)