Columbus Columbus is from Italy but sponsors Spain Obstacles faced No maps did not know what he would find. Purpose Gold Riches and wealth Accomplishments Reveled America 11/11/2018
Henry Hudson Sponsored Dutch then English Purpose looking for northwest passage He faced these obstacles: There was no route cold winters And men did not won't to keep going. He made 3 Averments Discovered the Hudson river The Hudson bay and Conquered Holland Dates of Exploration 1609-1610 11/11/2018 Add a footer
Juan ponce de Leon Sponsored Spain He faced these obstacles :Had to fight the Natives Purpose to find gold and Legendary “fountain of youth” Averments Discovered Florida and claimed it for Spain in 1553 Date of Exploration 1513 11/11/2018 Add a footer
Cartier Sponsored France He faced these obstacles :Sailors Caught diseases Averments Discovered Golf of St. Lawrence river And the St. Lawrence river in Canada in 1534 Purpose Find water route to Asia and look for gold 11/11/2018 Add a footer
Jhon Cabot Sponsored England Purpose wanted to reach Asia. Thought he could do this by sailing west. Averments Landed on eastern coast of Canada He faced these obstacles: no maps to guide them 11/11/2018 Add a footer
De Soto Averments Landed with nine ships on Tampa Bay Sponsored Spain Purpose was to look for gold He faced these obstacles :did not find gold 11/11/2018 Add a footer
Balboa Sponsored Spain Purpose was to look for gold He faced these obstacles : Jungles and mountains Averments first Europe to reach the Pacific ocean 11/11/2018 Add a footer
Thank you 11/11/2018 Add a footer