Exploers By Sydney and Ava
Vasco nunez Balboa Spain Fought with native Americans Looking for wealth and fame The first European to discover the pacific ocean in 1513
Christopher columbus Spain No maps,frightened crew Sail west to reach Asia First European to the new world 1492 Sailors on Christopher Columbus ship slept
Jhon Cabout England No maps Wanted to reach Asia thought he could do so by sailing west Landing on the eastern coast of Canada where fish were plentiful. Other Europeans went to set up fishing companies.
Hernando de soto Peru Disease Looking for gold He found gold
Cartier France Diseses Find a water route to Asia Discovered the golf of St.Lawrence and the St.Lawrence river
Henry hudson Holland Crew mutinied in the cold He was trying to find a northern path to Europe Asia called northwest passage Explored the Hudson river
De leon Spain Fought with the Natives Find gold and legendary Discovered Florida and claimed it for Spain in 1553