a.k.a The age of Discovery The Age of Exploration a.k.a The age of Discovery
Standards in this Unit SSWH10. The student will analyze the impact of the age of discovery and expansion into the Americas, Africa, and Asia. a)Explain the roles of explorers and conquistadors; include Zheng He, Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, James Cook, and Samuel de Champlain.
What is the definition of “Push Factors” and “Pull Factors”? STOP, THINK, REVIEW What is the definition of “Push Factors” and “Pull Factors”? Pull factors are those things that draw you into a new area Push factors are those that make you leave an area
STOP, THINK, REVIEW What are some push and pull factors causing individuals to migrate from one place to another?
Almost all of the Push and Pull factors during this time can be summed up into an easy term called… THE 3 G’s GOLD GOD GLORY SSWH 10 (a) a)Explain the roles of explorers and conquistadors
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The 1st G- GOD!! As members of a universalizing religion, Europeans had always seen spreading Christianity as a good thing Especially after the Reformation, competition will spring up Colonization will become a race to convert native peoples to a particular brand of Christianity Jesuits (Catholics) are some of the most active As members of the Christian faith, it is our duty to bring others to know their God and to worship him SSWH 10 (a) a)Explain the roles of explorers and conquistadors
Money, money money, money…..monaay!!! The 2nd G- GOLD!! Money, money money, money…..monaay!!! Gold was a hot item that explorers were looking for, but remember that it is really wealth, not just literal gold that explorers were after. Europe needed gold (and silver) to fuel the rising banking system Europeans also desired spices (Da Gama’s voyage to India made him a 3000% profit!) SSWH 10 (a) a)Explain the roles of explorers and conquistadors
The 2nd G- GOLD!! Other natural resources would come to be sold for profit as well (timber, sugar, tobacco, ivory, etc.) This competition will be enhanced by the idea of mercantilism that emerges, the idea that there is only so much wealth in the world, and that to make your kingdom strong you must have more gold and wealth than the other kingdoms
THE 3rd G- Glory!!! Just like the second G, Gold, Glory was a relatively new idea in Europe Came out of the Renaissance ideal of Humanism, and the focus on individual achievement With the rise of the printing press, the idea of gaining fame for one’s actions was more possible Also, individual kings wanted glory for their kingdoms, competition spreads SSWH 10 (a) a)Explain the roles of explorers and conquistadors
Stop and Think What do you think made it possible for these early explorers to be so successful in conquering the newly discovered people? SSWH 10 (a) a)Explain the roles of explorers and conquistadors
Now lets have a quick moment to read some interesting information… Now lets have a quick moment to read some interesting information….any volunteers??? Students will read as a class…no note taking required here
After the Vikings, nearly 500 years passed before Europeans returned to the Americas. During this time, most Europeans did not travel to unknown places. People believed it was too dangerous to go too far out into the ocean. Sailors were afraid to travel out of sight of the coast line. They did not have the tools to help them find their way. Once out of sight of land, they were unable to find their way back to port. Most people of the time had very unusual ideas about the unknown ocean. They thought, if ships went too far out into the ocean, they risked horrible sea monsters swallowing up their ships. Most people did not understand the shape of the Earth. They thought the sun was so hot at the horizon that it made the sea boil. Most knew it was round…but that could be sphere, bowl, or circle shape…so understanding shape didn’t really help, but few thought it was flat. It was a long time before Europeans had the technology that made long term sea travel possible. Three factors kept Europeans from exploring the oceans. First, square-sailed ships were used by European sailors. These ships were slow and could sail only with the wind. Square-sailed ships were not able to sail into the wind. Sailors knew this could prevent them from returning home, if they had to sail into the wind. With that worry sailing a long way from home wasn’t something they wanted. Second, there were not many maps or good navigation equipment. Maps were different from one another. No one knew which maps were correct. Ships' captains used a Jackstaff to determine their location. This method was not very accurate. Captains had to guess how far they had traveled. With the invention of the magnetic compass, astrolabe, and eventually sextant they now could make these long trips across vast oceans. And third, until the 1400s, Europe did not have strong central governments. Europe was divided into small kingdoms and villages that were ruled by a noble. The nobles were too busy fighting each other to care about exploration or searching the unknown world. Students will read as a class…no note taking required here
how to explore…who did it? So now that we know how to explore…who did it? Hudson Balboa Diaz AND MANY MANY MORE Magellan Columbus COOK Cortez De Soto He Champlain Da Gama Pizarro Drake SSWH10 (a) Explain the roles of explorers and conquistadors; include Zheng He, Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, James Cook, and Samuel de Champlain.
Columbus Full Name – Christopher Columbus Lived: (c. 31 October 1451 – 20 May 1506) Major accomplishment/known for: was the first explorer to cross the Atlantic Ocean and find new land. He though he had found a new route to India but landed in Modern Day Cuba and the Caribbean Islands. Sailed for - Spain SSWH10 (a) Explain the roles of explorers and conquistadors; include Zheng He, Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, James Cook, and Samuel de Champlain.
He Full Name – Zheng He Lived: (1371–1435) Major accomplishment/known for: was the first explorer from Asia to explore many areas in the Pacific into India in an age when Europe was in the mist of the Dark Ages Sailed for – China (Ming Dynasty) SSWH10 (a) Explain the roles of explorers and conquistadors; include Zheng He, Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, James Cook, and Samuel de Champlain.
Da Gama Full Name – Vasco da Gama Lived: (c. 1460 or 1469 – 24 December 1524) Major accomplishment/known for: was the first explorer to navigate around the tip of Africa and find a way to India (1497-1499) Sailed for – Portugal SSWH10 (a) Explain the roles of explorers and conquistadors; include Zheng He, Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, James Cook, and Samuel de Champlain.
Magellan Full Name – Ferdinand Magellan Lived: (c. 1480 – April 27, 1521) Major accomplishment/known for: was the first explorer to circumnavigate the world. Although he would die in the Philippines his crew would finish the voyage. Of the 237 men that started the trip only 18 would return to Portugal. Sailed for – Portugal SSWH10 (a) Explain the roles of explorers and conquistadors; include Zheng He, Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, James Cook, and Samuel de Champlain.
De Soto Full Name - Hernando de Soto Lived: (c.1496/1497–1542) Major accomplishment/known for: was the first explorer to cross deep into the interior of the modern day United States. First European to discover and cross the Mississippi River. Sailed for- Spain SSWH10 (a) Explain the roles of explorers and conquistadors; include Zheng He, Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, James Cook, and Samuel de Champlain.
Champlain Full Name – Samuel de Champlain Lived: (c. 1567 – December 25, 1635) Major accomplishment/known for: Explored modern day Canada and was the founder of the city of Quebec. Sailed for – France SSWH10 (a) Explain the roles of explorers and conquistadors; include Zheng He, Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, James Cook, and Samuel de Champlain.
Cook Full Name – James Cook Lived: (c. 7 November 1728 – 14 February 1779) Major accomplishment/known for: One of the foremost explorers of Asia. Although most of the area was known his detailed island mapping and contributions to science are his lasting legacies. Sailed for – England SSWH10 (a) Explain the roles of explorers and conquistadors; include Zheng He, Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, James Cook, and Samuel de Champlain.
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