VISUAL ARTS Fine Art ; 3D ; Photography ; Textiles ; Graphics During this year you will have the opportunity to develop your knowledge, skills and understanding in a variety of Visual Arts. Exploring the theme ‘UNDER THE SEA’ you will have the opportunity to take part in workshops, collaborative work, develop your own work and, at the end of the year, take part in an exhibition of your work. Over the year, working on a variety of projects, you will explore DRAWING :PAINTING : PRINTING This module aims to develop your observational drawing skills in a range of media, focusing on a variety of items from the theme. These are the key skills you will need for any of the arts. As an extension to drawing you will have the opportunity to experiment with paint alongside workshops and afterschool clubs exploring printing. THREE DIMENSION WORK This module will explore designing for clay work. Focussing on the textures from under the sea to create a ceramic response. PHOTOGRAPHY While doing fieldwork (TBC) you will use photography and basic editing skills to create a poster advertising the venue as well as gain further drawing experience from a primary source. GRAPHICS In this module you will explore the world of Zine’s and create your own publication as an extension of your fieldwork. TEXTILES In this module you will explore creating a textile piece inspired by one of the creatures from under the sea. It will be an extension to work done previously in the year. EXHIBITION The end of year 9 will culminate in an exhibition and show case of work across all the year group. This year will give you a good foundation to continue onto a creative GCSE in Art, Photography, Textiles or Design For more information please see your art teacher.