The Path is Yours to Take …
What is TECH PREP? College Partners Tech Prep allows you to earn dual credit (high school and college credit at the same time) for successfully completing certain Career and Technical Education courses at your high school College Partners
Easy as 1-2-3! Enroll in an eligible CTE TECH PREP course at your high school Register for TECH PREP using our Online Registration System Complete your TECH PREP course and earn a ‘B’ or better grade START TODAY!
Benefits of Tech Prep Save Time and Money! Jumpstart an industry certification or college degree today! Prepare for high-skill, high-demand careers Qualify for Scholarships Gain priority registration at our partner colleges Fun and challenging hands-on education experience
Educational Myths & Facts MYTH: Most future jobs will require a 4-year degree FACT: Of the 145 Million jobs in 2008, only 21% will demand a bachelor’s degree. MYTH: Most high-paying jobs will be in technical fields that will require a 4-year degree FACT: The largest segment of highly paid, technical workers will find work in occupations that require less than a bachelor’s degree MYTH: In light of oversupply, baccalaureate degree holders will displace non-degree or associate, technical degree holders in jobs that do not require a bachelor’s degree FACT: With specialized occupation skills, the technical worker will not be displaced by the college graduate with low skills.
Helpful Hints – Transition to College Complete all math requirements Take advantage of school resources – work with your Career Specialist! Schedule academic advising sessions early at our partner colleges Helpful Hints – Transition to College
What’s Your Plan? Contact an Academic Advisor at our Partner Colleges Tony Costa SCC Academic Advisor 206.546.7852 Norm Wright CCC Academic Advisor 425.352.8147 Emily MacPherson BC Academic Advisor 425.564.2164 Kim Infinger LWTC Academic Advisor 425.739.8274
How to Register for Classes
Online Registration Click on “Students Click Here” (top left) If you are NEW to Tech Prep, click on “Create an Account” If you are a RETURNING STUDENT, you may login with your User Name & Password OR your Tech Prep ID # & Birth Date Logging Into SERS: Fill out all required fields with accurate information Only the items with an * are required Please include your email address Future Plans and Career Pathway? Make your best guess! NEW Students: Creating an Account
Online Registration Registering for Classes Click on “Register for Classes” (top left) Your high school will auto-populate – DO NOT CHOOSE ANY OTHER FIELDS! Hit “Go Search” Place a check in the box next to the class(es) you are currently taking, then click “Register” in the top-left navigation bar On the next screen, place a check in the box next to your teacher and click “Save and Register” The next screen is a confirmation. If you have provided an email address, this confirmation will be immediately sent to that email address. If not, you may want to print a copy for your records. Registering for Classes Click on “View or Modify Your Account” (top left) You may edit your address, contact info, and password To make changes to your class registration, contact us at: 425-564-6158 or View or Modify Your Account
Tech Prep College Connections Tech Prep College Connections Questions? Tech Prep College Connections 425.564.6158