Moto-eV Team 13 Michael Stuckenschneider Loren Garby Arin Chakraverty Janell Niekamp
Patent Liability Potential - Motorcycle - Electric Scooter - Electric Bicycle
Motorcycle - Radiator placement - Fairing purposes Patent Infringement unlikely - Mechanical system vs Software system - Lack of radiator
Electric Scooter - Tube like chassis with standing platform - Electric motor mounted on rear wheel Patent Infringement unlikely - Standing rider - Different purpose
Electric Bicycle - Bicycle frame - Light-weight electric motor - Clutch and multiple gears - Battery charging system Patent Infringement unlikely - Multiple gears - Power level control, but mechanical
Conclusions No realistic threats - Mid range use / city driving - Digital system substantially different Only potential is power mode selection - Similar function, but different purpose - Accomplished in substantially different way
Software Design Questions?