Audit Partner is an information management system that assists in retrieving and reviewing of field audits electronically. Partner may be used by audit-processing personnel to manage, access, view and print Audit Partner is an information management system that assists in retrieving and reviewing of field audits electronically. Audit Partner may be used by audit-processing personnel to manage, access, view and print completed audits from their desks. What is Audit Partner?
Enhancing Company Audit Management: –Audit Partner is an electronic audit management system for the premium audit industry –Eliminates many of the paper based steps currently used by premium audit companies –Provides a truely paperless audit environment for service companies when used with ACE –Allows users to manage the audit work flow and have ready access to useful tracking information
Audit Partner Architecture:
As with all systems designed by AMS the Audit Partners modular design gives a lot of flexibility in creating a solution that meets your needs. How does Audit Partner Work for You? AuditProcess With Audit Partner Without Audit Partner
The home office enters key audit data for tracking purposes. Supervisors workload balance audits and releases them to the field. Upon completion, finished audits are transmitted (or upload) to an internal system or electronic mailbox. Audit Partner retrieves this data and archives it within the system, closing out time service and providing production reports. When an audit reviewer, manager or supervisor is ready to review the completed audit, they select it from a list of returned audits and can display or print it. Audit Partner users can review all areas of the audit: the worksheet, the summary, contractors information, and any information returned by the auditor. How does Audit Partner Work?
Managing Audits Using the Audit Partner Lists: Audit Partner provides a large number of management tools that help you manage your audit workload. Much of Audit Partners' information is provided as a list. These lists appear in a format that is similar to those used for bank statements or charge statements. Each row represents a summary of data for a particular audit, including auditor assigned, insured name, audit status etc.
Audit List Menu: The Audit List screen can be customized extensively to fit the needs of the client. This provides the user with a great deal of flexibility in how they sort and search for audits in the system. Each and every Audit Partner client can set up the Audit List to display information most frequently used by the client. This flexibility in how users manage their data is common design concept shared by all AMS products.
Audit Partner provides extensive filtering features to help the user manage the amount of information presented at one time on the Audit List screen. It is not unusual for companies to have 1000 or more audits in an open status at any time. Filtering the Audit List:
Audit Partner may be populated through manual entry and or with a limited download file. Entering Audits:
Classes: Classes may also be entered into Audit Partner to be sent down with the header information to the auditors laptop!
The audit history function provides extreme value added within the Audit Partner system. Audits are tracked from creation to completion! Audits are stamped with the date, time, action, auditor, reviewer and listing of errors if they occurred. Audit History:
Workload Balancing: Managers are able to view multiple auditor workloads at once. Managers may assign work by simple clicking and dragging an audit to another auditors bucket.
Audit Partner Features: Configurable for both insurance companies and fee service companies Receives and stores all audits from field Allows viewing and printing of audits on-line, quickly and easily Enables workload balancing between auditors Supports telephone auditing in house via fee company Provides a secure system of audit archiving that preserves the audit trail Allows a paper less way of tracking and storing audit data for quick retrieval Provides access to audits electronically saving mailing time/costs Allows auditors to send progress reports and administrative information Enables fee companies to communicate with ACE through uploads and downloads
Audit Partner ensures operations are streamlined, production is increased and cash flow is improved by: Reducing the time between audit and billing Reducing manual labor Reducing paper files, filing cabinets, filing space Allowing immediate access to audit status and audit information Quick Return on Investment:
Since 1982, AMS has been the leader for software in the premium audit industry. We offer you the knowledge and expertise of an industry leader that has revolutionized the premium audit process.