4.04 Understand activities and careers in marketing. 4.04 PowerPoint 4.04 Understand activities and careers in marketing.
Marketing Marketing is not an event, but a process . . . It has a beginning, a middle, but never an end, for it is a process. You improve it, perfect it, change it, even pause it. But you never stop it completely. - Jay Conrad Levinson
Marketing Defined: Means by which products or services are developed, priced, distributed, and promoted to customers.
Market Defined: The world of commercial activity where goods and services are bought and sold; includes customers and location a business wants to serve.
Target Market Defined: A group of people, with some similar characteristic, that a seller is focusing his marketing efforts.
Marketing Mix (The 4 P’s) Product Place (Distribution) Price Promotion
Product? What are products? How are new products developed? How are existing products improved?
Product Defined: A good or service that can satisfy consumer wants and needs.
Place? Where are products available for sale? How do the products get distributed to stores and consumers?
Place Defined: The location of the business; also includes business activities that involve physical distribution, such as transporting goods, handling the goods, storing the goods, and keeping track of the goods.
Pricing? How do sellers know what price to charge? What factors influence prices?
Price Defined: The amount of money needed to purchase something.
Promotion? How are customers made aware of products? How does the seller entice the buyer to purchase the product?
Promotion Defined: The act of informing or reminding consumers about a specific product or brand.
Marketing Careers Fashion Merchandising Travel and Tourism Marketing Management Market Researcher
Marketing Careers Salesperson Sports and Entertainment Marketing Sales Manager Telemarketer
Marketing Careers Buyer e-Marketing
Marketing Careers Fashion Merchandising - Involves all activities related to the development, buying, and selling of merchandise associated with apparel production, selection and coordination, fibers and fabrics, computer aided design, product compatibility, product development, quality assessment and control.
Marketing Careers Travel and Tourism - The industry involved in providing services to support travel, mainly recreational or for leisure purposes.
Marketing Careers Marketing Management - The management of a firm's marketing resources and activities. People in this position are often responsible for influencing the level, timing, and composition of customer demand in a manner that will achieve the company's objectives
Marketing Careers Market Researcher- A person who accumulates and analyzes data in order to make a particular marketing decision. A person in this position determines what motivates people to buy specific products.
Marketing Careers Salesperson - A person employed to represent a business and to sell its merchandise.
Marketing Careers Sports and Entertainment Marketing - The industry that focuses on what spectators want and are willing to buy.
Marketing Careers Sales Manager - An individual who manages a group of sales representatives.
Marketing Careers Telemarketer - A person who uses the telephone for promoting and selling products.
Marketing Careers Buyer - One who makes bulk purchases on behalf of a retailer or wholesaler.
Marketing Careers e-Marketing - also known as internet marketing or online marketing.