Welcome to 9th Grade AVID Assignments Due: Monday Oct 17, 2016 Today’s Agenda: No School Teacher Workday Essential Question: Objective:
Welcome to 9th Grade AVID Assignments Due: Tuesday Oct 18, 2016 Today’s Agenda: No school Teacher Workday Essential Question: Objective:
Wednesday/ Thursday
Warm-Up Describe Costa’s 3 levels of Intellectual Functioning Describe how Cornell Notes are designed to be a study aid List 2 benefits to having an organized AVID binder List 2 benefits to using your planners/agendas every day Why do you think that the AVID program spends so much time on developing tutorial skills?
Welcome to 9th Grade AVID Assignments Due: Wed/Thu Oct 17/18, 2018 Next tutorial – 10/24 or 10/25 Next Mentor Log DUE Friday, 11/2 Next Binder Check – Friday 11/2 Today’s Agenda: Warm-up GPA #2 Handout Tutorial reflection Academic Contracts Paradigms and Principles Essential Question: How can I verify if I am staying on track to accomplish my goals? Objective: I will calculate and reflect on my current GPA I will reflect on my last 4 tutorial sessions
2nd Quarter Binder Checks 11/2 11/16 11/30 12/14
Scavenger Hunt Winners!!! 5th hour – Danna, Emily, and Kylan 6th hour – Jasmin, Pedro, and Lilliana
AVID Parent Night Wednesday, October 24th 6-7 pm Jones Student Union (media center) Speaker volunteers – sign-up Have a parent sign-in = 20 extra credit points!!
October Mentor Logs DUE Friday, 11/2
Graded papers AVID Binder Portfolio # 12 - Tutorials from 9/19 or 9/20 #13 – September Mentor Log Learning Styles Final Typed Essay – SECTION 3 – Essays Learning Styles Inventory AND Keirsey’s Temperaments/True Colors Handout – SECTION 6 – Learning Styles & Personality Recycle Learning styles essay grade sheet, outline & rough draft, and peer editing form
GPA #2 Write the number 2 on the blank at the top Look up your grades on infinite campus Use the grades posted for QUARTER 1 Look up your last GPA from progress reports from your GPA #1 in your portfolio Be sure to answer all the questions on the back Be sure to set a goal for your next GPA check When you are done, turn it in to the class basket – you have 10 minutes
Academic Contracts Friday, October 26th – I will check for the following signatures on the front page: Student Parent All teachers of D or F classes AND the following requirements from Week 1: Current grade/ teacher signature from ALL teachers of D or F classes Parent signature Student Signature Parent signature in PLANNER As soon as you are at a C or higher, you no longer have to continue the contract in that class
Tutorial reflection form Fill in your current letter grades from Quarter 1 Use the TRFs from our first 3 tutorials to complete the Tutorial Answer ALL of the questions, turn it in to the class basket when you are done, you have 10 minutes Date Class Question from ? Score on tutorial 9/5-6 9/12-13 9/19-20
What is the FIRST thing you noticed about each picture 1. 2. 3. 5. 4.
Paradigms and Principles
What is a Paradigm? Paradigm: the way you see something, your point of view, your perception
Try This Close one eye. Put your thumb close enough to your open eye so that the door is completely covered. Now, switch eyes without moving your thumb. What happened?
Paradigm Shift A shift in the way you see things.
What’s the Point? We don’t always see things the way others do.
Paradigm Shift
Paradigm Shift Same picture, different focus!
Table Talk Is your perception (view) of life the same as your parents’ perception? How is it the same? How is it different? Whose perception is correct?
So…who is right? Your perception is your reality. Right or wrong, you see things the way you want to. The challenge is to see things from the perspective of others.
Reading Read the “Top 10 All-Time Stupid Quotes” on pages 11-12 in the book entitled The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey. The challenge is to see things from the perspective of others. Why did these quotes seem intelligent at the time they were said?
Group Reading Read about paradigms on pages 13-16 in the book entitled The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey.
Table Talk What is a paradigm? A How do you see yourself? B How do you think your friends see you? C What can be learned from the story of Prince Louis? A Explain the comic on page 17. B What is the problem with paradigms? C
Homework – Due Friday At least 3 At least 3 At least 3
Warm-up Write at least 2 sentenced about the following quote:
Welcome to 9th Grade AVID Assignments Due: Fri Oct 19, 2018 Monday 10/24 - 90 second speeches DUE Next tutorial – 10/24 (5th) or 10/25 (6th) Academic Contract Check – Fri – 10/26 Next Binder Check – Friday 11/2 Today’s Agenda: Warm-up Read about Principles and complete back side of worksheet 90 second speeches Choose topics Write ideas for speech Essential Question: How can I improve my public speaking skills? Objective: I will prepare and deliver a 90 second speech on an assigned topic.
Paradigms Other Possible Centers Friend-Centered Stuff-Centered Sports/Hobbies Hero Centered Enemy Centered Work Centered Principle Centered Friend-Centered Stuff-Centered Boyfriend/Girlfriend- Centered School-Centered Parent-Centered
What is a Principle? Principle: a determining characteristic or essential quality that you live your life by
Principles Never Fail Honesty Service Love Hard Work Respect Gratitude Fairness Integrity Loyalty Responsibility Moderation
90 second speeches 1st time (2nd quarter): Give speech to small group in class (4-6 people) - PRACTICE 2nd time (3rd quarter): Give speech to entire class – feedback given, but not scored for points 3rd time (4th quarter): Give speech to entire class, graded for 80 points
90 second speech checklist: 1. Get the attention and interest of your audience by choosing one the techniques below. (10 Seconds) Relate the topic to the audience State the importance of your topic Startle the audience Arouse the curiosity of the audience Question the audience Begin with a quotation Tell a story 2. Reveal the topic of your speech to your audience. (10 seconds) 3. For the body of your speech, go into detail about your topic. Limit the body of your speech to 3-5 details/examples/steps. (60 seconds) 4. Conclusion (10 seconds)