Black Out Poetry Using words to inspire design Conveying meaning through the presentation of artistic work
Black out and illustrate a silhouette over the text
Your design/sillouette will complement and support the theme of your poem
Your work will be monochromatic (neutrals plus the tints and shades of one color)
You may stylize your work.
Some text may also be exposed to add texture.
How you link your text may also be a design element.
Be creative and have fun. Some of the best work will be showcased.
Black Out Poetry Steps: Find a poem at least eight lines with in the text. A line may be just one word or a series of words (no longer than about three). Lightly circle or block out these words with pencil. Write the poem on your scratch paper. Create a title for your poem/design (one to three words) write this above your poem on your scratch paper and underline the title. (Storm) Determine the theme or topic of your poem. Decide how you are going to represent this in your design. (example: poem about rain- umbrella, drops, color – blue + neutral) Sketch up a quick design and show the instructor