Materials Science and Technology Division Agenda Item #3c Materials Science and Technology Division Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Yong Yang, PhD. MSTD Executive Committee Chair 11/01/2017 Washington, DC
MSTD Mission Promote the advancement of materials science in Nuclear Science Technology; Support the multi-disciplines which constitute it; Encourage research by providing a forum for the presentation, exchange, and documentation of relevant information; Promote the interaction and communication among its members; and Recognize and reward its members for significant contributions to the field of materials science in nuclear technology.
MSTD Leadership Chair: Yong Yang Vice-Chair: Rita Baranwal Secretary/Treasurer: Kallie E. Metzger Executive Committee Members: Todd Allen, Rita Baranwal, Travis W. Knight, Kallie E. Metzger, Arthur Motta, Cynthina A. Papesch, Julie D. Tucker, Anne Campbell, Kenneth. J. Geelhood, Colby, B. Jensen, Vincenzo V. Rondinella, Kurt A. Terrani, Jacob Eapen, Laura M. Jamison, Maria A Okuniewski, Michael P. Short Immediate Past President: Janelle P. Wharry International Liaison: Vincenzo V. Rondinella (ITU) BOD Liaison: Sue Aggarwal
Division Membership Trend
Budget Income from topical meetings: Plutonium future, NFSM, ICAPP. 2017* 2018** Income Carry Forward 99,755 95,433 Member Allocation 1832 2400 Division Income 22,624 Total Income 25,024 Expenses National Meetings 2,379 Student Support 7,500 Awards & Plaques 1,110 Scholarship/NEED funding 60,000*** Total Expenses 70,989 Net Budget 94,087 45,965 * Actual balance as of 9/30/2017 **Proposed budget, June 2017 Income from topical meetings: Plutonium future, NFSM, ICAPP. Expenses for student support at: national meetings student conferences topical meetings Schumar Scholarship fully endowed, awarded annually Additional $10K to make it self sustainable. Initiate a new scholarship with $50K.
MSTD Meetings Class I Topical Class II Topical Class III Topical 2017 18th International Conference on Environmental Degradation in Nuclear Power Systems Class II Topical 2016 Top Fuel 2019 19th International Conference on Environmental Degradation in Nuclear Power Systems 2018 Plutonium Futures-The Science Class III Topical 2016, 2018 Nuclear Fuels & Structural Materials 2016, 2018 ICAPP Track of Materials & Structural Issues
Contributions to Society Standards – none Policy and Position Statements – none Student Support Best paper awards at student conferences Travel support for students at national and MSTD-relevant meetings Affiliations with other technical organizations shared/rotating meeting sponsorship with other divisions and societies
Division/TG Governance Planning Strategic Plan (updated on 2004 and discussed on Oct 30, 2017) Support the ongoing education and development of the nuclear science and technology workforce Encourage ANS member professional achievement through recognition of outstanding contributions to the profession of nuclear science and technology Be a leading source of nuclear science and technology information Attract individuals into nuclear science and technology careers Annual Goals (updated on Oct 30, 2017) Succession Plan –. Secretary/Treasurer Vice Chair Chair Communication (Updated on July 2017) EC minutes, newsletters, and updates posted to website ANS Collaborate
Performance against Goals Status Membership development Met Provide access to information for improving their knowledge in nuclear engineering related materials science and engineering issues Recognize members for contributions Provide financial support and sponsor scholarships to students Identify candidates for governance and EC
Summary Areas of Success Focus for Future Action Engaging young professionals on the Executive Committee Technical programs at National Meetings Topical meetings sponsorship Financial support to students Focus for Future Action Improve student engagement at national and topical meetings Facilitate the development of MINES conference