GCSE EXAMS 2018 Until Mon 14.5.18 = first GCSE written exam
Year 11 you must: Make sure you attend every day (even if you have no exams that day). Make sure you go to registration EVERY MORNING – this is the way we will check you are here for exams so it is vital that you register (even if you have pre-exam sessions starting at 8). Make sure you know exactly where you are going for each of your pre-exam sessions – check with your subject teachers if it is not clear on the attached timetable. Make sure you arrive to pm exams promptly – the exam starts at 1.30 so you must be in the atrium at 1.15 If you do not have an exam/pre-exam session you must remain in lessons. (Once the exam for that subject is finished it is your responsibility to bring appropriate revision materials).
Pre- Exam Sessions / Exams This week:4-8 June(1 of 1) Monday 4/6/18 HISTORY REVISION theatre 8-8.40 LS CB 90 HISTORY Paper 1 AQA 8145/F am 105 ENG LAN 1 - 20th Century Lit REVISION Eng CR p3-4 all Eng st 203 Tuesday 5/6/18 ENG LAN 1 - 20th Century Literature FM WJEC C700U10-1 GEOGRAPHY- REVISION A14/E2 11-12.45 GUL/NBL 107 GEOGRAPHY OCR J384/02 pm 75 Wednesday 0/06/2018 MATHS P 2 - Calc- REVISION*(SEE AD NOTES) th/A bl p1-2(3-4) * 203 (-87) 6/6/18 BUSINESS STUDIES- REVISION*** A8/9/10 BS/CH/LF 77 BUSINESS STUDIES 4080/01 120 MUSIC - Listening & appraising- REVISION**** D106 ARN 10 MUSIC - Listening & appraising J563/5 Thursday 7/6/18 MATHS P 2 - Calc- REVISION all maths EDEXCEL MATHS Paper 2 - Calculator EDEXCEL 1MA1 2 114 AQA MATHS Paper 2 - Calculator 8300/2H 89 ENG LAN 2 - Non Fiction- REVISION Friday 8/6/18 ENG LAN 2 - Non Fiction C700U10-2 HISTORY Paper 2 - REVISION c rooms 11.15-12.45 LS /CB/RD/NG HISTORY Paper 2 8145/G SCIENCE COMB TRIL BIOL 2 - REVISION P3-5 s staff (non hist) **** BS and Music will only do Maths revision p1-2 then p3-4 they will go to BS/Music
Pre- Exam Sessions / Exams Next week: 11-15 June(1 of 2) All other pupils will have normal lessons and must remain in their lessons at all times
Pre- Exam Sessions / Exams Next week: 11-15June(2 of 2) Pupils will be dismissed and must leave from front gates after their Science exam on Friday, (unless they have Citizenship). After this date all pupils must sign in and out at the quad and should only be in school for their pre-exam sessions and their exams. Leavers’ Assembly will be on Thurs 28.6.18 (You will collect your hoodies then). You will receive a reminder letter about this soon.