1 SuperStream Working Group Measures of Success Rollover Process Member Contributions Process 15 April 2011
2 Measures of Success What progress has been made? Target behaviour changes Contributions and Rollover processes (time based) Measurement method What measures are envisaged? Improved member experience Improved employer experience Industry Collaboration Sustainable culture of improvement What next? Final workshop next week Reportback on measures, definitions and method at next SuperStream meeting
3 Rollover Process What progress has been made? Key data elements defined (50) Draft message implementation guide produced for review Peer review with ATO Software Developers Consultative Group (7/4) Second workshop review with SuperStream sub-working group What conclusions can be drawn thus far? Data elements required for electronic messaging can be further simplified (esp. removing the 14 fields associated with the detail of Contributed Amounts) Nearly all data elements are covered already in the SBR definitional taxonomy There are a small number of technical design issues to be resolved before a draft Message Guide (MIG) could be brought to final There are three significant policy and contextual issues which need to be resolved first (refer next page) What next? Resolve the policy and process issues Re-issue an updated version of the Rollover MIG with appropriate context on the policy and process setting.
4 Rollover Process Key Design Questions Key Policy Issues Two key blockers need to be removed from the current rollover process: Proof of identity and Insurance cover. In addition, Rollover and Account Consolidation imperatives need to be aligned. 1. Proof of Identity Our working assumption has been that POI check at rollover process can be replaced by a simpler and automated Identity Verification check against the ATOs TFN database. This raises the question of will POI instead be required at the entry and exit points to the super system? If created at entry, can POI be linked to existing POI processes, eg around establishment of bank accounts? If created at entry, how do we ensure any delays in completing POI do not prejudice or impede an employers obligation to start making SG payments? 2. Insurance Cover Our working assumption is that From Funds will be prevented from delaying the processing of rollovers on the grounds of members best interest re insurance cover. How is this to be achieved in a legislative and regulatory sense? 1. Account Consolidation How do we ensure the approach taken to streamline the Rollover process aligns with the Account Consolidation process (and vice versa)? 1. Rollover Request What authentication and authorisation process for requests? Is pin/password based authentication sufficient to deal with risk? Refers POI question. 2. Rollover Transaction Where does the unique transaction identifier come from? Standardised number with improved SPIN plus account number. What member identifier is used, where no TFN is available? What type of validation processes are required? What process step precisely? Where do routing details (receiving IP address) come from? Delivery error handling? 3. Rollover Payment Are options other than BECS Direct Credit needed? Yes, BPAY. How do we future proof/provide a pathway for adoption of improved payment options in future? Enable move to potential ISO20022 and MAMBO alternatives. How are SMSF bank account details verified? 4. Rollover Acknowledgement What Message Headers Structure will be used to contain the XBRL Payload?
5 Contributions Target Fund ABN Target Product ID Target Fund Name Entity name Postal address Fund entity details Record Type Fund member number TFN* Payroll number Employment commencement date Employment Termination date Persons name DOB Phone number address Postal address Member details SG amount Contribution reference Employer other amount Employee amount Contribution period start date Contribution period end date Member contribution total Account details Defined in swimEC message guidelines (v8.3) Postal address Address line 1 Address line 2 Suburb State Postcode Country Persons name Given name Middle name Family name Name title Contributor business name Contributor ABN Contact Given Name Contact Family Name Contact number Contact Alternate addressee Postal address Employer trading name Employer details Target BSB Target Account number Target Account Name Payment reference number Fund contribution total Payment details Small Business Superannuation Clearing House – Data View Contributions
8 Data Alignment The alignment between contributions and rollover data elements is very high – suggesting message structure should be similar and elements re-usable. This design similarity should be used to assist in building data integrity and enabling data services. Member details Fund entity details Address structure Supplier entity details 6 11 Authorisation 5 Rollover account details 12 7 Contributions account details 7 Payment details 7 7 Note: partially normalised view