The Girl and the Butterfly
The Objective of Education I’d rather graduate one happy street sweeper than a thousand neurotic prime ministers. - A. S. Neill, Summerhill
“hongik ingan” / 홍익인간 Beneficial to all people
1. Teaching is VERY important FreeDownloadPowerPoint.Com
THE MEMOIRS OF JESSE JAMES I remember all those thousands of hours that I spent in grade school watching the clock, waiting for recess or lunch or to go home. Waiting: for anything but school. My teachers could easily have ridden with Jesse James for all the time they stole from me. From: Richard Brautigan, Rommel Drives on Deep into Egypt
Dr. Seuss
2. Teaching is
Teaching is always saying goodbye
Teaching is the small things
Teaching is Learning
Teaching is teaching everybody
Teaching is difficult
Teaching is helping those who can’t not those who can.
The Secret of Happiness EFL Classroom “one teaches, two learn.” EFL Classroom