Now That you have Tested What does it mean
Before you Look at the Results… Have you created a “form letter” ? Dear __________; I have received my results from the DNA at _________ and it indicates a possible DNA connection with (insert name from Test Results) or (a test you are managing). I have a simple tree available that I would like to share with you OR I have a simple tree posted on (and give site) that shows pedigree information. I believe we may be related through ________ or _______ family. My information on this family is well researched or (very sparse) so perhaps by sharing we could fill in some blanks and determine a definite connection. The best way to reach me is at ….. I look forward to hearing from you.
Before you look at the Results Have you created a simple tree on line somewhere On Ancestry it is very easy as long as you maintain an account You can create simple trees for each of your families in the form of Descendent Charts in your own family tree software You can PRINT out Descendant Charts if you like the paper trail better You can create a free tree at http: Legacy Family Tree
More than one test, More than one answer Each test has its own Unique set of Answers Autosomal-”Cousin Finder” and Ethnicity Y-DNA Pedigree and Father’s family through the ages mt-DNA Deep ancestry and ancient ancestor migration
Autosomal DNA Finding that Next of Kin
Finding Cousins Kinship is based on the amount of DNA shared on the 22 non- sex Chromosomes Measured in centiMorgans cMs Charts Available to guide on cMs relate to closeness of relationship All this can be found at statistics
Shared centiMorgan Project Blaine Bettinger
Another Way to Look at it
Different Companies Interpret things different ways
Overlap at the fringes can confuse things even more Is it a Half Sibling or an Aunt or Uncle? What about those once and twice removed Don’t forget about Endogamy (sharing multiple ancestral pathways)
It Only Makes Sense if…. You have a Paper Tree They have a Paper Tree You have both sides of your family tested OR You can find Shared Matches
Ethnicity and its issues
If You Transfer…You may find a Cousin! Transfer Ancestry to GedMatch (A Free sharing Site) ancestry-dna-test-results-to-gedmatch/ Transferring FTDA to GedMatch Transfer to FTDNA It is free to transfer but to explore you pay. 23&Me, My Heritage and Ancestry can all be transferred with some exceptions Transfer to MyHeritage-Really easy and similar to Ancestry Transfer to FTDNA
Y-DNA Pedigree Chart of the Male Line
Y-DNA follows the Male Pedigree Line
Use the Learning Center! FTDNA Learning Center Single Tandem Repeat STR are shown as Letters and Numbers Single Nucleotide Poly Morphism SNP is shown as numbers Y-DNA SNP Test identifies your Haplogroup
STR Values
Join a Group A Project for every surname, ethnic group, geographical group… mainers-with-irish-ties-are-smiling/
Groups have pages also Maine Genealogical Page Maine Irish Heritage Center NSDAR DNA Project
Mt-DNA It is a very specialized topic….Advanced level only!
Find a DIG and get involved DNA Interest Group
Two active Groups in Maine Maine DIG Founded by Nancy Mason Meets 2nd Saturday of Month at Gray Public Library 10-12 https://mainegenealogicaldig.wo ps/186984298326924/ Great meeting info and a lot of links on the website. This group has been meeting for 2 years. Central Maine DIG Founded by Peter Smith Meets 3rd Saturday of the month at Winslow Public Library 10-12
So Much DNA So Little Time!