By: Emily Pekas Minnesota State University Moorhead The Effect of Facial Expressions and Attractiveness on Female Perceptions of Sexual Harassment By: Emily Pekas Minnesota State University Moorhead
Intro/background- Problems Very relevant- Sexual harassment charges in the media Workplace studies have shown confusion about what it is (Nielsen et al., 2017). Very few studies done on influences
Intro/background- Previous Research Smiling individuals rated high on positive personality traits (Senft et al., 2016). Halo effect can have influences on decisions in the courtroom (Golden et al., 2001). Women might not accuse due to fear (Herrera et al., 2017)
Intro/background- Purpose Combine the variables of attractiveness and facial expressions Do they have an effect?? Hypotheses
Method- Participants Female undergraduate students at Minnesota State University Moorhead Blue cards for extra credit
Method- Design 2 X 2 within-subjects factorial design 2 levels of attractiveness 2 levels of facial expressions DV: sexual harassment
Method- Materials Photos from Chicago Face Database
Method- Materials cont. Scenarios I’ve created Rating scale from 0-5
Method- Procedure Participants will view four different photo/scenario combination Rate male on four different variables
Results Gather means for two IVs Run two separate repeated-measure ANOVAS
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