General Colin Powell Secretary of State (2001-2005) National Security Advisor (1987-1989) Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1989-1993) Wednesday, Sept. 24th @8:00PM Humphrey Coliseum, MSU Leadership Legacy. In 1997 Powell founded America's Promise with the objective of helping children from all socioeconomic sectors. Powell often wears the logo of the organization in the form of a red wagon pin on his lapel. Do Right. Do Good. Do Well.
America’s Promise 1. Ongoing relationships with caring adults – parents, mentors, tutors or coaches 2. Safe places with structured activities during non-school hours 3. Healthy start and future 4. Marketable skills through effective education 5. Opportunities to give back through community service Community service not only benefits society, it also enriches the lives of people who provide it (just like Day One!!). Young volunteers have higher self-esteem, perform better in school, build leadership skills and learn how to solve community problems. Do Right. Do Good. Do Well.
Day One students get in FREE General Colin Powell Wednesday, Sept. 24th @8:00PM Humphrey Coliseum, MSU Tickets are $10 Day One students get in FREE Thanks to Dr. Watson, MSU President Pick up your tickets Today, Thursday or Friday (Aug. 20, 21, 22) One ticket per student; Bring MSU ID. 8:30-4:30 Coliseum Ticket Office Do Right. Do Good. Do Well.