The French and Indian War
Why did it happen? Both England and France wanted to control the Ohio River Valley English based their claims on the exploration of Cabot French based their claims on the explorations of La Salle and Champlain
Ohio River Valley Located between the Ohio River and the Great Lakes and between the Mississippi River and the Appalachian Mountains.
Why did they want the land? English wanted the land for settlements French wanted to trap and sell beaver furs
How did it get started? 1754 – French and their Indian Allies, the Huron attacked Fort Necessity
Advantages English French Navy controlled the Atlantic Coast Larger population in the colonies Iroquois Indians French Guerilla warfare Huron Indians Strong Network of forts
Secret British Weapon The Indians were convinced that the bagpipes, played by the Scottish regiments, were actually demons out to carry away their souls
Benjamin Franklin Proposed Albany plan of Union Wanted colonist to join together for defensive purposes Drew snake cartoon to show colonists’ disunity
George Washington In British colonial army Watched French and Huron use guerilla warfare – would later use against British during Revolution
William Pitt Made Prime Minister of England at the end of the war Put the country in debt by deciding that England would pay for all costs of the war
Battle of Quebec Last battle of the war Both the English Commander (Wolfe) and the French Commander (Montcolm) were killed in battle English won the war
Treaty of Paris - 1763 Officially ended the war Signed in Paris English gained more territory in one treaty that any nation has ever obtained
Terms of the Treaty Britain – all of Canada, Florida, and all land East of the Mississippi River Spain – Louisiana and all land West of the Mississippi River France – lost all territory in North America
Before the War
After the War
Importance of French and Indian War Colonists became more independent Colonial militia gained experience England decided to govern the colonies more rigidly England wanted the colonists to pay for the war
Pontiac’s War Happened after the end of the French and Indian War Indians living along the Ohio River grew upset when the English colonists began to settle on the land permanently
Jeffrey Amherst British Indian Affairs Agents Sent blankets contaminated with small pox to the Indians The Indians had no resistance so they died by the thousands