Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing defined Dynamically scalable, device-independent and task-centric computing resources are provided online, with all charges being on a usage basis. Delivery of computing services—servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and more—over the Internet (“the cloud”).
Cloud Computing Online accessible applications, processing power and/or storage provided to clients on demand Cloud = the Internet Implementation details are abstracted from the users (s/w, h/w and infrastructure) Servers (physical and/or virtual) are the basic component of the cloud
CC Characteristics Apps (s/w), processing power and storage (h/w) accessed on the Internet, online Task-centric computing Device/platform independent computing Dynamically scalable, on-demand computing Resources are available with variable, per-usage costs (not fixed)
Coming a full circle Centralized computing Different than mainframe-based models of 1960s Cloud is more distributed, reliable and larger scale Because there are no fixed costs, cloud resources are more accessible to small companies
Cloud computing suppliers Zoho – CRM (customer relationship management), Email hosting, project management, etc. Employease – HR, benefits, payroll Salesforce – CRM, sales and customer service apps Clarizen – project management and collaboration s/w
3 models of Cloud computing Software as a Service (Saas) Platform as a Service (Paas) Infrastructure as a Service (Iaas), sometimes known as Hardware as a Service (Haas).
SaaS Running existing online applications. Online productivity tools, including word processing, spreadsheet, presentation: GoogleDocs, Zoho, Microsoft) creative web tools - Pixlr, Jaycut, Aviary dedicated business applications: Salesforce, Employease, NetSuite . Available for free or as a subscription service, accessible from any Internet client, facilitate collaboration. The disadvantage is that they are not customized enough, too generic.
PaaS Environment and a set of tools to create online applications, Google App Engine, Microsoft Windows Azure platform, VMWare vFabric, from (Google and are free). Allows quick development of applications without much additional cost. Can deploy applications privately or publicly. Limits developers to an existing set of tools and languages and platform dependency.
IaaS Allows a business to run their own applications on the cloud hw without investing in its own hw infrastructure. Cloud suppliers can use actual physical or virtual servers to host applications. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) (rent virtual computers); Rackspace (private cloud and cloud hosting); GoGrit (cloud hosting, hybrid hosting, dedicated), VMWare vSphere
4 types of IaaS Private cloud (certain physical servers are dedicated to one customer) Dedicated hosting (customer rents physical servers on demand as needed) Hybrid hosting (a mix of physical and virtual servers to reduce cost and increase flexibility) Cloud Hosting (customer rents virtual servers on demand as needed, sometimes hourly).
Iaas Categories
Cloud concerns Availability Privacy Data theft/loss Security
Case studies Amazon Web Services AWS Case Studies