The following slides should help you with your revision, but should not be your only form of revision. Remember to use your notes, a textbook, websites and Past Papers to help you. You can also ask a chemistry teacher for help too.
A compound which contains carbon and hydrogen only. What is a hydrocarbon? A compound which contains carbon and hydrogen only.
Name the first 8 alkanes? Methane, Ethane, Propane, Butane, Pentane, Hexane, Heptane, Octane, Nonane & Decane.
What is the General formula for the alkanes? CnH2n+2
What is the molecular formula for Pentane? C5H12
What is this the full structural formula for? H H H H C C C H H H H Propane [Practice drawing Full structural formula]
What is the Shortened structural formula for heptane? CH3 (CH2)5 CH3
What type of bonds do alkanes have? Single covalent bonds.
Name the first 5 cycloalkanes? cyclopropane, cyclobutane, cyclopentane, cyclohexane & cycloheptane.
What is the molecular formula for cyclohexane? C6H12
What is the General formula for the cycloalkanes? CnH2n
What type of bonds do cycloalkanes have? Single covalent bonds.
What structural feature do cycloalkanes have? Ring structure.
Ethene, Propene, Butene, Pentene & Hexene. Name the first 5 alkenes? Ethene, Propene, Butene, Pentene & Hexene.
What is the General formula for the alkenes? CnH2n
What is the molecular formula for octene? C8H16
What type of bonds do alkenes have? At least one carbon to carbon double bond [C=C]. The rest are single covalent bonds.
What is a homologous series? These are groups /families of hydrocarbons in which each member has: Same general formula Similar chemical properties Gradation in physical properties.
What is an isomer? Isomers are compounds with the same molecular formula but have a different structural formula.
Which homologous series are isomers of each other? Alkenes and cycloalkanes. (Practise drawing isomers)
Which properties do the homologous series have in common? All insoluble in water. All non-conductors of electricity. All burn to form carbon dioxide & water. All show a gradation in physical properties.
Which homologous series rapidly decolourises bromine water? Alkenes.
What is a saturated hydrocarbon? Saturated hydrocarbons contain carbon to carbon single covalent bonds only.
Which Families of Hydrocarbons are said to be Saturated? Alkanes & cycloalkanes.
What is an unsaturated hydrocarbon? Unsaturated hydrocarbons contain at least one carbon to carbon double covalent bonds.
Which Family of Hydrocarbons looked at in topic 6 is unsaturated? Alkenes.
What is the chemical test for unsaturation? Bromine water is rapidly decolourised by an unsaturated hydrocarbon.
What type of chemical reaction do unsaturated hydrocarbons undergo? Unsaturated hydrocarbons undergo Fast Addition Reactions
What is an addition reaction? In an addition reaction the carbon- to-carbon double bond ‘opens’ to allow other substances to add across where the double bond had been.
Give examples of addition reactions? Reaction with Bromine water. Reaction with hydrogen......Hydrogenation. Reaction with other alkenes....Polymerisation.