ENHANCED WINTER ROAD MAINTENANCE WORKSHOP OACES 2017 ENHANCED WINTER ROAD MAINTENANCE WORKSHOP Winter Roadway Safety Snow & Ice Removal Anti-icing Pre-treatments Materials Storage & Handling “When & Where to do What” Newer Products for the Northwest Hidden & Real Costs Expected Winter Service Levels
Winter Challenges Jay Wells Lynn Peterson Chris Christopher Maintenance Superintendent Secretary of Transportation Director of Maintenance
Winter Roadway Safety Snow & Ice Plan (checklist) Tailgate Safety Meetings Pre-Winter Meetings (WSP, Local Fire, Etc) Document activities
Objectives of Winter Operations? Keep roads open for safe and reliable winter travel Provide appropriate and consistent messaging Protect the environment Manage people and resources Document activities
Challenges Long or Short List Budget (Not Enough Money) Equipment (Good, Bad, Ugly) Materials (What Should We Use) Training Risks
Risks Weather related accidents Vehicle corrosion Avalanches (WSDOT) Injuries to employees Environmental effects
Public Expectations Have you created an expectation for full winter-time mobility, such that the closure or restrictions of highways is uncommon except for the most severe circumstances. Bare and wet roads are the rule rather than the exception so when snow or ice covered roads are encountered, the inexperienced winter time traveler is frequently unprepared to handle the conditions.
Bad Things Happen to Good Agencies
Road Condition Rating for Chemical Treatment Do You Have A Plan? Roadway Treatment Goals Level of Service (LOS) Measurements Data Collection Process Weather Forecasting Training & Annual Procedures Review Material Storage & Sampling Application Guidelines Road Condition Rating for Chemical Treatment Points LOS Rating Bare Pavement 1 A+ Patches of frost, black ice, slush, or compact. 1.5 A Wheel tracks bare, frost, snow, or ice encountered. 2 B+ 50% of roadway with compact snow and ice. 3 C+ Entire roadway covered with compact snow & ice. 4 D+ Unable to evaluate -
(WSDOT Snow & Ice Plan Example) Planning (WSDOT Snow & Ice Plan Example) This section is primarily a blueprint for an agency to conduct the year round activities that relate to snow & ice control. A good approach is to use the four seasons of the calendar year to describe agency activities that should be accomplished in a timely manner in those time frames. Spring activities may include: Equipment breakdown and storage Materials inventory Review the effectiveness of operational procedures
Operator Training Snow and ice plan reviews Maintenance manual Application guidelines Annual review of procedures Pre-winter meetings with crew and managers Pre-winter material stock-up Equipment preparation and calibration On the job training Snow camp and snow college
Weather Do you have a forecast provider/s Road/Weather Information Stations Traffic cameras Other agencies Media/Weather Channels Traveling public (Social Media)
Material / Contingencies Rock Salt Solar Salt Salt Brine Blends Liquid Calcium Chloride Liquid Magnesium Chloride Corrosion Inhibitor Products Sand Cost/s
Storage Containment (NPDES)
Equipment and Technology Application Equipment Calibration Stations Precision controllers AVL/GPS Program (Manual ok) Data collection processes
Data Collection Data means dollars! Can be used in defense of tort claims. Helps with development of budget requests and defining impacts of budget reductions. Measures the effectiveness of agency operations. Measurement of the success or failure of process improvements/changes.
Documentation Web-based application records Real-time equipment and application maps Diary entries Avalanche control mission reports Archived weather information TMC & EOC reports After-action reports Pictures Handwritten
Collect Data Automatically (eliminate hand records) AVL/GPS Integration Collect Data Automatically (eliminate hand records) Show where the trucks are and what they are doing. More timely information Better accuracy with snow and ice records Coordination with traffic flow maps HATS (mobile technology, i-pads)
WSDOT Software Program
Infrastructure Environment and Corrosion Protection Calibration of application equipment Precision material controllers Operator training Application guidelines Experience Roadside soil and water sampling All liquid products inhibited to PNS standard http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/partners/pns/default.htm Solid salt treated with inhibited liquids
Snow and Ice Materials- Costs
Pacific Northwest Snowfighters Qualified Products List PNS Snow and Ice Control Chemical Products Specifications and Test Protocols Product Sample Checklist for Bidders Jay Wells Washington DOT Phone: 360-705-7863 E-mail: wellsj@wsdot.wa.gov http://pnsassociation.org/
Questions? Jay Wells WSDOT Maintenance Operations 360-705-7863