Nuclear Power Student Work
How is it produced? Energy is released by splitting Uranium 235 atoms Energy that is produced heats water The water turns to steam The steam turns a turbine which generates power
Where is it produced? Nuclear power stations operate in 31 countries. The top 5 nuclear power producers are the United States, France, Japan, Russia, and South Korea. France produces 3 quarters of its electricity by nuclear power, most at The Cattenom Nuclear Power Plant.
Where is it produced? Countries such as Australia and Italy remain opposed to nuclear power. Nuclear power plants in the United States included 3 Mile Island in Pennsylvania, Browns Ferry in Alabama, 9 Miles Point in New York, and many more.
What are its uses? Used to power homes, offices, and factories The Chernobyl accident of 1986 in Ukraine was the result of a flawed reactor design an inadequately trained users Three mile Island accident was a partial nuclear meltdown that occurred in Pennsylvania in 1976
What are its uses? The Non-Proliferation Treaty(NPT) is an international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread and misuse of nuclear weapons. The treaty recognizes 5 states as nuclear weapon holders: USA, Russia, UK, France, and China, however other countries such as India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Israel also posses nuclear weapons.
Pros Low Cost- other than the initial expense of creating the power plant the process of creating nuclear energy is less expensive than other energy Low Pollution- nuclear energy does create radiation when being made, but unlike with oil this radiation is usually well kept and doesn't effect the environment Sustainable - its not proven that nuclear energy is sustainable, but with more research and newer technology it will likely become a lasting energy resource
Pros High energy density- its estimated that the amount of energy released during a nuclear fission reaction is 10million times greater than the amount released while burning a fossil fule
Cons Radioactive waste- hazardous to most forms of life and the environment Nuclear accidents- small radiation leaks can cause devastating effects. Some disasters that have occurred are Chernobyl and Fukushima. Nuclear radiation- produce plutonium which is harmful to nature High cost- a lot of investments are needed to set up a nuclear power station
Cons National risk- nuclear weapons can be formed which are hot targets for militants and terrorist organizations which leads to a security concern Fuel availability- it is a very scarce resource and only exists in a few countries Non renewable- once nuclear power plants are extracted it is useless