11/11/2018 PROFILE OF MEMBERS August 2, 2017
TALK VANCOUVER MEMBERS 14,941* *as of August 1, 2017
Talk Vancouver at a Glance* 14,941 members Live in… Vancouver – 88% Downtown and West End = 22% Northeast = 20% Northwest = 18% Southeast = 17% Southwest = 11% Metro Van or Unknown = 12% Work in Vancouver: 68% Attend school in COV : 14% Business Owner: 20% Age: Under 30 = 15% 30 to 49 = 52% 50 to 69 = 28% 70+ = 5% Gender: Male = 46%, Female= 52%, Prefer not to say = 2% Ethnic Origins (select up to 2) European = 43% Canadian = 41% Chinese = 11% American = 5% South Asian = 3% Other Asian , e.g. Filipino, Thai, Vietnamese = 3% First Nations = 2% Latin/South American = 2% Families with children <18 = 25% Household Income: Less than $40000 = 14% $40000 to under $60000 = 14% $60000 to under $80000 = 13% $80000 to under $100000 = 12% $100000 to $150,000 = 18% $150,000+ = 16% Prefer not to say =13% Length of time living in Vancouver: Less than 5 years = 17% 6-10 years = 17% 11-20 years = 21% More than 20 years = 40% Housing Tenure: Own – 51% Rent – 45% Other – 4% Type of Home: Single/detached house = 31% Duplex/townhouse = 12% Apartment/condo = 53% Other = 4% 14,941 members *as of August 1, 2017
Relationship to Vancouver: Most members live and work in Vancouver. *Adds to more than 100% because some people work in Vancouver and elsewhere.
Location: Members living in Vancouver come from across the city, but with lower numbers in the south. 88% Live in Vancouver Number of respondents = 14537 *Postal code was converted to a location in Metro Vancouver, or a residential zone in Vancouver where Northeast = N of 16th Ave. and W of Main St; Northwest = N of 16th Ave., and E of Main Street; Southeast = S of 16th Ave. and E of Main St; Southwest = S of16th Ave. and W of Main St
Business Owners: Twenty-percent of members own or run a business in Vancouver Number of respondents = 14941
Age: Half of Talk Vancouver members are 30-49 years of age; with 15% under 30 and 17% over 60. Number of respondents = 14941
Gender*: Similar numbers of males and females are Talk Vancouver members. *Based on past recommendation from the City’s LGBTQ2+ Advisory Committee, this is how we currently ask about gender in Talk Vancouver surveys. How this question is asked continues to evolve as conversations and thinking around “gender” and inclusion at the City take place. Number of respondents = 14941
Ethnic origin: Members most commonly report European or Canadian descent, followed by Chinese. Number of respondents = 14941 *Respondents could select up to two ethnic origins
Number of families: A ¼ of Talk Van members have children under age of 18 at home. Number of respondents = 14941
Household Income: A full range of household incomes are represented by member of the panel. 13933 Number of respondents = 13933
Residency in Vancouver: Just over 60% have lived in Vancouver more than 10 years, while 40% have lived here less. 13083 Number of respondents = 13934
Rent or Own: There’s a mix of renters and owners- half own their residence and half rent or have an alternate housing arrangement. 13934; Number of respondents = 14941
Type of Home: Half of members live in apartments or condos; Another third live in single-detached homes. 13934 Number of respondents = 13934