Alive-O 6 Term 1: Lesson 10 Loving God Advent What am I trying to do? To introduce the commandments of Jesus. Why? So that the children may be better able to respond to the command of Jesus to Love God as they prepare for Christmas.
Jesse Tree
The Jesse Tree derives its name from Jesse, the father of king David The Jesse Tree derives its name from Jesse, the father of king David. It is the family tree of the family of God as it tells the stories of God’s faithfulness to the His people as they waited for the Saviour. One of the people who was called by God to guide the people on their journey closer to Him was Moses.
Bible Search Isaiah 11:1-3 Matthew 1:1-6
Moses and the Ten Commandments After Moses led his people out of slavery in Egypt, they wandered around in the desert for A long time. They began to lose faith and trust In God. They began to burn incense and sing sacred songs to other gods – the gods of water and fire and stone.
They didn’t treat one another as they should, and they began to care more about gold and possessions that they did about Yahweh or about one another.
One day God spoke to Moses and told him to cut two pieces of stone and bring them to Mount Sinai the next day. Moses did as God asked and the next morning, early, he went onto the mountain.
‘I am making a covenant with people, Moses, God said’ ‘I am making a covenant with people, Moses, God said’. I will be their God. I will do marvellous things for them. I will look after all their needs. They will become a very special people and they will bring the name of God to all the people of the earth.
They will be a very special people to me They will be a very special people to me. Now the people’s part in this covenant will be this: they will live according to my commandments Or laws.’ Then God said to Moses: ‘Write these commandments down so that the people may live faithfully by them.’
Moses hurried back to tell the people the good news of God’s covenant Moses hurried back to tell the people the good news of God’s covenant. Moses had been a Long time on the mountain with God and while He had been away the people decided to make A god of their own, just like the gods the Israelites had.
The made a golden calf and called it God and admired its beauty and gave it great value. They lit fires before it and sang sacred songs to it and carried it high, in front of them.
Then Moses saw what they had done and became very angry Then Moses saw what they had done and became very angry. He smashed the stone tablets on which were written the commandments. ‘You are not worthy of Yahweh, our God,’ he said. The people lowered their heads in shame.
The Moses led them in prayer The Moses led them in prayer. He went back up the mountain again and prayed to God to forgive the people for what they had done. After another long time he returned from the mountain with two new stones on which the commandments of God were written.
The people received them joyfully and said, ‘Whatever God wants us to do we will do. We want to be part of God’s covenant.’
Ten Commandments in Hebrew The people lived faithfully by the commandments as they continued on their journey to the Promised Land.
I am the Lord your God, you shall not have strange gods before me. The First Commandment I am the Lord your God, you shall not have strange gods before me. Did the people break this commandment? Which commandment do you think is most important? What do you need to do to follow the first commandment more closely as you prepare for Christmas?