Presented by Steve Davis, Principal, DavisLogic & All Hands Consulting * 07/16/96 Business Continuity Planning For Research and Development Organizations Presented by Steve Davis, Principal, DavisLogic & All Hands Consulting Introduction. Mention working with TIGR. R&D not a typical client. Terrorist Attacks caused $500 M data and systems damage. $15.8 B Cost of restoring All IT and Communications $8.1B long term cost to enterprises. FEMA: WTC disaster: NY economy $60B Insurance payouts: $25B, which will top Hurricane Andrew 1992 $19B Biggest loss was in paper. BCP is disaster preparedness. Might be a legal or regulatory requirement. Might be your insurance company pressuring you. Research animal facilities must comply with the Animal Welfare Act, ILAR guidelines to have a disaster preparedness plan, Association for the Accreditation and Assessment of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC) certification standards, institutional environmental health and safety or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, and other institutional documents, such as mission statements to perform research, teaching and service activities, and empowerment of institutional security and fire departments. *
* 07/16/96 “Stuff” Happens How should you help your company maintain "business continuity" in the wake of disaster? Stuff happens all the time. While R&D organizations face many unique risk management challenges. Like any operation, R&D firms have both property and intellectual capital at risk. While the recent terrorist acts have heightened disaster preparedness concerns, disastrous calamities can happen anywhere and any time. For instance, this past June, medical researchers in Houston suffered a devastating blow when flooding from Tropical Storm Allison destroyed thousands of records and research animals. Research data was lost due to a lack of proper disaster planning. Both paper and electronic data were lost due to a lack of basic back-up precaution. One-of-a-kind property was lost when floodwaters burst through a wall and destroyed centuries old art collections, equipment, and music scores. *
Are You Ready For Anything? * 07/16/96 Are You Ready For Anything? Eighty-one per cent of CEOs say that their company's plans were inadequate to handle the myriad of issues arising from the World Trade Center tragedy Recent events have made it clear that you need to be ready for anything. Business that are not prepared typically fail after suffering a disaster. *
Disaster Causes & Effects Common Causes * 07/16/96 Disaster Causes & Effects Common Causes Natural Hazards Ice Storm Earthquake Wind Flood Lightning Snow Frost Man-made Hazards (Deliberate) Theft Violence Fraud Arson Malicious Damage Strike *
Disaster Causes & Effects Common Causes * 07/16/96 Disaster Causes & Effects Common Causes Man-made Hazards (Deliberate) Riot Bomb Damage Bomb Hoax Terrorists Hacking Man-made Hazards (Accidental) Operator Error Explosion Fire Water Leaks Fire Extinguisher Discharge Until 3 weeks ago the probability of a terrorist attack was considered low. When planning for contingencies, two factors are taken into consideration: probability and amount of damage. *
Disaster Causes & Effects Common Effects * 07/16/96 Disaster Causes & Effects Common Effects Man-made Hazards (Indirect) Power Failure Telecommunications Failure Smoke Damage Fire Suppression Agents Hardware/Software failure These are common indirect effects of hazards. Power failure is the most common. *
Disaster Causes & Effects Common Effects * 07/16/96 Disaster Causes & Effects Common Effects Denial of Service Data Loss Loss of Personnel Loss of System Function Lack of Information Denial of Access Compromised or Corrupted Data Damaged Environment Productivity Loss Picture is a recent case where a water main broke outside of the offices, and the washout broke the sewer main, which forced lots of water and sand back through the toilets and sink drains into the basement of the building where the servers were on the floor with the UPS. Keep important equipment out of harms way. Other types of flooding can cause DOS – Flood of transactions Can’t get to your systems Data Loss – stolen or destroyed Personnel – temporary or permanent – most devastating System Function – Have data, but no software or workstations Lack of Information – employees don’t know where to go or what to do Poor or no access to building, computers – Compromised data – if hacker attack or most common: disgruntled employee Damaged environment: equipment, furniture, carpet Here are some plans 1. Setting up a backup server in an offsite location using a point to point DSL link. 2. Put the servers up one shelf, less likely to be drowned, but not on the top so they are a prime target for smoke. 3. Vendors are going to be identified that actually use a clock to time overnight, not a calendar. 4. We are looking at sensors to notify us early in an event (smoke, heat, water, etc. augmenting the security system). 5. They are now moving to a paperless system, hence reducing the files. *
Disaster Causes & Effects Common Effects * 07/16/96 Disaster Causes & Effects Common Effects Loss of Control Loss of Communication Interrupted Cash Flow Loss of Image Loss of Market Share Costs of Repair Cost of Recovery Lower Morale Loss of Profits Loss of Control Interrupted cash flow can’t get invoices out, collections interrupted, sales interrupted Loss of Image – if something you caused or through negligence Loss of Market Cost of Repair, Recovery, Morale Profitability Not intended to scare or depress. Empower you. *
Special Considerations * 07/16/96 Special Considerations Animals Evacuation - where Ongoing care and feeding Bites/Scratches Hazardous Materials Bio Hazards Radiation Chemicals Alternate Space Wet Labs Power Needs Containment Animal holding facilities have special considerations. A decision will need to be made on evacuation – evac authority and procedures must be clearly established. Where are you going to move them to? If done in a rush it exposes staff to risk from bites and scratches. Over 30,000 animals drowned as a result of severe flooding of basement laboratories in several research institutions in the Houston, Texas area last June. Since 1996, the Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources (ILAR) Guide for Care and Use of Laboratory Animals recommends that research and laboratory animal facilities have a disaster preparedness plan. This is a prudent recommendation, because over US$10 billion a year are spent at nearly 2,000 facilities on biological research involving animals in the United States. Hazardous materials Bodily fluids, blood, infectious waste, or other potentially infectious material pose a special Biohazard risk. Any body fluid may contain micro organisms capable of causing disease. Appropriate protective attire must be worn. Special procedure if radiological materials involved. Alternate space can have special requirement based on use. *
Terminology Business Continuity Planning * 07/16/96 Terminology Business Continuity Planning More than IT: people, premises, legal contracts, vital records, market knowledge. Work with senior management and other outside professionals such as corporate attorneys, succession planners, insurance companies. Discipline of thinking of contingencies that can happen to a business and developing a Plan to prevent, recover, repair and continue the business with the least disruption and cost. *
What is Business Continuity Planning? * 07/16/96 What is Business Continuity Planning? Planning to ensure the continuation of operations in the event of a catastrophic event. Business continuity planning includes the actions to be taken, resources required, and procedures to be followed to ensure the continued availability of essential services, programs, and operations in the event of unexpected interruptions. *
Business Continuity Planning Contingency Planning Disaster Recovery Security Business Recovery Crisis Management
BC Plan Components BCP Disaster Recovery Business Recovery Business Resumption Contingency Planning Objective Critical Computer Apps Critical Business Processes Process Restoration Process Workaround Focus Data Recovery Process Recovery Return to Normal Make Do Example Event Mainframe or server failure Laboratory Flood Building Fire Loss of Application Solution Hot Site Recovery Dry Out & Restart New Equip. New Bldg. Use Manual Process
Create a Business Continuity Management Team Lead by Top Management Project BoD Monitors Regular Status Reporting to Management Broad-based Awareness for Everyone Key Players Senior Officials Facilities/Safety Risk Management Legal Finance/Budget Procurement
Business Continuity Process Assess - identify and triage all threats (BIA) Evaluate - assess likelihood and impact of each threat Mitigate - identify actions that may eliminate risks in advance Prepare – plan for contingent operations Respond – take actions necessary to minimize the impact of risks that materialize Recover – return to normal as soon as possible
Building a BCP Plan
Business Impact Assessment * 07/16/96 Business Impact Assessment The purpose of the BIA is to: Identify critical systems, processes and functions; Establish an estimate of the maximum tolerable downtime (MTD) for each business process Assess the impact of incidents that result in a denial of access to systems, services or processes; and, Determine the priorities and processes for recovery of critical business processes. *
BIA Review Factors All Hazards Analysis Likelihood of Occurrence Impact of Outage on Operations System Interdependence Revenue Risk Personnel and Liability Risks
Risk Analysis Matrix Area of Major Concern High Medium Low Low Medium Probability of Likelihood Medium Area of Major Concern Low Low Medium High Severity of Consequence
Developing Business Continuity Strategies Understand alternatives and their advantages, disadvantages, and cost ranges, including mitigation and mutual aid as recovery strategies. Identify viable recovery strategies with business functional areas. Consolidate strategies. Identify off-site storage requirements and alternative facilities. Develop business unit consensus. Present strategies to management to obtain commitment.
Contingency Planning Process Phases Assessment - organizing the team, defining the scope, prioritizing the risks, developing failure scenarios Planning - building contingency plans, identifying trigger events, testing plans, and training staff on the plan Plan Execution - based on a trigger event, implementing the plan (either preemptively or reactively) Recovery - disengaging from contingent operations mode and restarting primary processes of normal operations by moving from contingency operations to a permanent solution as soon as possible.
Evaluating Alternatives Functionality - provides an acceptable level of service Practicality - is reasonable in terms of the time and resources needed to acquire, test, and implement the plan Cost Benefit - cost is justified by the benefit to be derived from the plan
Emergency Management Planning Work with local and regional disaster agencies and business associations Assess special problems with disasters Loss of lifelines Emergency response Review and revise existing disaster plans Look for new areas for disaster plans Include Disaster Recovery Planning
* 07/16/96 Elements of a Good Plan Prevention, Response, Recovery, Remediation, Restoration Top Priorities addressed first Keep things from happening if you can If they do happen, act quickly and properly Salvage what you can Fix what caused the problem Get back to business as usual Challenges: establishing High priorities. What is a high priority to the CFO is not what is important to the Director of Sales, is not what is important to the COO. CFO: financial records Sales: Customer data COO: Intellectual Capital *
Elements of a Good Plan Action Plan responsibilities clearly defined * 07/16/96 Elements of a Good Plan Action Plan responsibilities clearly defined Communication alternatives are considered Redundancies are in place Action Plans spell out who is to do what, when and how. Third parties need to know. Vendor who will supply. For spare parts, facilities. First in command Communication alternatives considered. Internet walkie talkies Redundancies: communication lines/carriers, redundant drives, servers, redundant data: tape drives, data vaulting. Hot sites.. Question to ask: How much does it cost us for every hour our systems are inoperable? *
Elements of a Good Plan Product sources are identified * 07/16/96 Elements of a Good Plan Product sources are identified Personnel sources are identified Where are you going to get PC’s? Spare parts Personnel sources: temp agencies, cross training and knowledge bases. Gartner Group: New approaches since 9/11: increased use of telecommuting, moving out of the city into cheaper space and split technology and staff into multiple locations. People trained in multiple jobs, so if you have loss of lives, that knowledge base survives. Collaboration and knowledge bases software will increase. *
Keys to Success Vulnerabilities Clearly Identified * 07/16/96 Keys to Success Vulnerabilities Clearly Identified Comprehensive Plan in Place Plan Understood, Communicated and Updated Tested quarterly Adequately funded Specific Vulnerabilities – changes from company to company, industry to industry – R&D clearly has some unique issue but many are the same. Comprehensive – covering all types of disasters: deliberate, unintentional, all aspects of operations: people, premises, hardware, software, communications, data Understood, communicated and updated: Plan is no good if no one knows where it is. Must evolve as businesses evolve. Tested quarterly: Kemper Insurance: all 225 employees survived. Full disaster recovery drill June including PC’s. All data was backed up to Chicago. Didn’t plan on air space to be closed. Fully operational by Friday the 14th. Oppenheimer Funds had 598 staff, all survived. Plan in Place since 1993, tested every six months. Hot site in New Jersey. Had to rebuild an NT domain so workers could access e-mail over a VPN. Forgot about how employees would access the data. Adequately funded: When times are tight, it’s one of the first things to go. *
Disaster Alert If you have advanced warning: People come first. Provide assistance. Note special needs. Move or secure vital records/high priority items if it can be done safely. Screw plywood over windows or use tape to reduce shattering. Verify master switch shut-off (water, gas, electricity) by trained staff. Secure outdoor objects.
Disaster Alert If you have advanced warning: Move items away from windows and below-ground storage into water-resistant areas. Wrap shelves and storage units in heavy plastic sealed with waterproof tape. Take Emergency Contact Lists, insurance and financial data, inventory, emergency plan and supplies with you. Give instructions on returning to work.
Safety First! Remain calm. Alert staff to potential hazards. Look for loose or downed power lines. Avoid area and report problems to local utility. Look for electrical damage: sparks, broken/frayed wires, burning smell. Turn off electricity at main switch if you can without risk. Shut off water. If you smell gas, open a window and immediately leave the building. Turn off gas if trained to do so. Call gas company at once. Do not reenter the building until declared safe by security or emergency management officials.
Getting Started Off-Site Gather staff off-site to assign tasks and review priorities. Establish a Command Center. Create a secure salvage area with necessary materials. Notify officials of the extent of damage. Establish alternative work sites. Appoint a PIO to report conditions to public and employees. Verify amount and terms of insurance, government assistance, potential funding. Contact service providers for disaster recovery equipment and services. Arrange for repairs as needed.
Stabilize the Building and Environment Do not enter without proper personal protective equipment. Identify structural hazards. Brace shelves. Remove debris. Stabilize vital equipment or experiments. Reduce temperature and humidity at once to prevent mold. Use air conditioning; or commercial dehumidification. In cool, low-humidity weather open windows, use circulating fans. If mold is already present, do not circulate air. Do not turn on heat unless required. Remove standing water and empty items containing water; remove wet carpets and furnishings.
Documentation Once it is safe to enter the building, make a preliminary tour of all affected areas. Do not move objects without documenting their condition. Use a camera to record the condition of property. Make sure images clearly record damage. Make notes and voice recordings to accompany photographs. Keep written records of contacts with insurance agents and other investigators, and decisions on retrieval and salvage. Make visual, written and voice records for each step of salvage procedures.
Retrieval And Protection Leave undamaged items in place if the environment is stable and area secure. If not, move them to a secure, environmentally controlled area. If no part of the building is dry, protect all objects with loose plastic sheeting. Separate undamaged from damaged items. Until salvage begins, maintain each group in the same condition you found it; i.e., keep wet items wet, dry items dry, and damp items damp. Retrieve all pieces of broken objects and label them. Check items daily for mold. If mold is found, handle objects with extreme care and isolate them.
Damage Assessment Notify insurance representative - You may need an on-site evaluation before taking action. Make a rough estimate of the area affected and the extent and nature of damage. A detailed evaluation can slow recovery now. Look for threats to worker safety or collections. Determine status of security systems. Look for evidence of mold. Note how long the materials have been wet and the current inside temperature and relative humidity. Documenting the damage is essential for insurance and will help you with recovery.
Salvage Priorities Irreplaceable items and related documentation. Vital information; employee and accounting records, succession lists, inventories, and data. Other items that directly support your mission. Items that are unique, most used, most vital for research, most representative of subject areas, least replaceable or most valuable. Items most prone to continued damage. Materials most likely to be successfully salvaged.
Indoor Air Quality Failure to remove contaminated materials and to reduce moisture and humidity can present serious long-term health risks. Standing water and wet materials are a breeding ground for microorganisms, such as viruses, bacteria, and mold. They can cause disease, trigger allergic reactions, and continue to damage materials long after the flood. Source: EPA
Some DR Questions Do you have an alternate person for every key function? Do the Fire and Police departments have pre-plans including key contact information? Are your key technology rooms protected from "falling" water? Do each of your locations have emergency cabinets, first-aid kits, and disaster supplies? Do you have off-site storage of critical documents like contact information and forms?
* 07/16/96 Emergency Response Action Steps The first 48 hours can make the difference. Safety First! Getting Started Off-Site Stabilize the Building & Environment Documentation Retrieval & Protection Damage Assessment Salvage Priorities Adapted from FEMA – handout contains details. The handout covers these in detail.Being prepared can make all the difference. *
For More Information Contact: Steve Davis, Principal DavisLogic & All Hands