Kevin Hughes | Senior Enterprise Account Manager The Wake-Up Call Kevin Hughes | Senior Enterprise Account Manager
Creators of:
#1 financial planning software Goal-based financial planning 5 million + plans $4 trillion + assets
Some of our clients
“ “ Everyone needs and deserves a quality financial plan. -PIEtech, Inc.
What’s driving change? 2 3 1 Competition DOL Consumers
We’ve reinvented personal financial advice to help you earn more over time and pay less when you partner with a Vanguard advisor.
Your partnership with a Vanguard advisor is at the heart of our service. An advisor works closely with you to develop a customized goals-based financial plan according to your unique situation—and can manage your portfolio throughout your retirement years. you get it all at a low cost—only 0.30% of your assets under management annually.
New Helps you set, track and work toward your savings and income goals New Helps you set, track and work toward your savings and income goals. Watch video
clients have a relationship How many of your clients have a relationship with a bank?
What’s driving change? DOL
If every advisor is a fiduciary, and product offerings and fees are the same everywhere, you only have three areas in which you can differentiate yourself: 1 Competition DOL Consumers 2 3
– Marcia Wagner, Esq Wagner Law Group “The risk and personal liability under ERISA are not worth finding out whether it is possible …plus, holistic planning is better.” – Marcia Wagner, Esq Wagner Law Group
Our experience with large firms New commitment to planning Deliver plans to every customer
What’s driving change? Consumers
We must help you Provide a quality plan to every client 1 Add human value Make planning friendly Do it all efficiently 2 3
“ “ Everyone neds and deserves a quality financial plan. -PIEtech, Inc.
Minimum requirements for a quality plan 1 Truly understand your client Health care Social Security Risk 2 3 4 5 Longevity Results Add human value 6 7
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