Instructions for Power © Dr John C McEwan 1 Peter Chapter 5 Instructions for Power © Dr John C McEwan
Elder’s Rules Verses 1 – 3 We cannot give an order that we are not happy obeying our self. Feed the flock! Recall the Lord’s words to Peter, Jn 21:15-24. service was to be with enthusiasm, not for money, compulsion, or shame. No “lording” behaviours were allowed. Matt 20:20-28, Jn 13:1-17.
Submission For Eternal Rewards Verses 4 The Lord is coming to reward his saints and the crowns He gives will last forever. The things of time pass away; God’s service brings rewards that never pass away. Verses 5 – 7 Faith-rest means resting upon the character and plan of God, not you own strengths. It means recognizing that problems are the Lord’s who bought you, not your own!
Submission 1. Humble yourself to serve others. 1 Pet 5:6, Heb 13:17. 2. Fully surrender to God. Rom 12:1-2, Phil 2:18, Jas 4:7. As the Lord did. 3. Spiritual Needs of others are ahead of your own. Eph 5:21. 4. Submit to teaching authority. 1 Cor 16:6, Heb 13:17, 1 Pet 5:5. 5. Within marriage we submit; place the needs of the other first. Eph 5:20ff, Col 3:18, Titus 2:4-5. 6. Children submit to parents. Col 3:20. 7. Submit to Laws. Matt 22:21, Rom 13:1-2, 1 Pet 2:13-17, exception=Acts 4:15-20, 5:40-42. 8. Workers submit to owners. Eph 6:5-8, Col 3:22-25, Titus 2:8-9, 1 Pet 2:18-24. Treat workers with respect, Col 4:1.
The Enemy is still Active Verses 8 – 9 Be alert to attack, as the enemy is active in assaulting any who let him have an opportunity. Resist by being fully armed! Eph 6:10ff Verses 10 – 11 “God of all grace”; this is a title of the Lord to remember. Note Peter’s prayer for his flock; it is a prayer for growth and strength.
Farewell Greetings Verses 12 – 14 Peter’s writer is Silvanus, and he greets the people. Peter is clear that his purpose is to exhort, testify, urge to stand in grace. The “church in Babylon” may be the Iraq city, but is more likely the name for Rome, as John will use it in Rev. John Mark is with him, and all there warmly greet their brethren.