Organelles Looking Inside a Cell
What is an “organelle”? Like organs in your body, an organelle is a cellular structure that carries out specific functions within the cell.
Organelles You Need to Know Cell Wall Cell Membrane Nucleus Nucleolus Mitochondria Chloroplast Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Body Vacuole Cytoplasm Ribosomes Lysosome
Cell Wall Rigid layer that surrounds the cell. Only found in plant cells Made of cellulose. Helps support and protect the cell. In tree cells, the cell walls allow the tree to grow very tall.
Cell Membrane All cells have cell membranes. Separates the cell from its environment. Controls what comes in or out of a cell.
Nucleus The “brain” of the cell. Controls all of the cell’s functions. Contains the DNA for the cell.
Nucleolus Is where ribosomes are made.
Ribosome Make the proteins. Proteins are needed to create and repair organelles. Also needed in cell division.
Cytoplasm The “empty” space, or “soup” in the cell. Gel-like fluid.
Mitochondria The “powerhouse” of the cell. Produce most of the energy for the cell. Very active cells have larger mitochondria.
Endoplasmic Reticulum Carries proteins and other materials from one part of the cell to another. The “mail carriers” of the cell.
Golgi Bodies This is the cell’s “mail room”. Receive proteins and other materials from the ER. Package them and send them to other parts of the cell.
Chloroplasts Capture energy from the sun. Use the energy to produce food for the plant. Gives plants their green color.
Vacuoles Water-filled sac floating in cytoplasm. The storage area of the cell. Can store food or materials. Can store waste products. Keeps the cell plump.
Lysosome The cell’s “cleanup crew”. Breaks down large food parts into smaller, usable parts for the cell. Break down old cell parts. Recycles usable material, disposes of waste.,1300&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=257&vpy=179&dur=481&hovh=133&hovw=248&tx=142&ty=87&ei=nES2TO7yMsSnnQfdp7Bq&oei=iUS2TJr0MseenwfO08mADQ&esq=3&page=3&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:52&biw=1440&bih=785,500&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=962&vpy=99&dur=397&hovh=178&hovw=283&tx=168&ty=105&ei=GEm2TPDfHc6bnwe38PFq&oei=GEm2TPDfHc6bnwe38PFq&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:26,s:0&biw=1440&bih=785,r:2,s:0