Poetry Splash Unit 4 Day 2
Today Goals: Focus Questions What is Poetry? What is a Poem? Explore how we define poetry to better understand its purpose Students will read poems that will help them construct a definition of poetry while understanding some common elements What is Poetry? What is a Poem?
What is Poetry? Get out the worksheet from yesterday.
Purpose: My goal is to rattle, dispel, grow, add on, mold, etc. your belief about what Poetry is, and what poetry…well isn’t.
Poetry Splash- Teacher Model We are going to listen to a recording of “Eating Poetry” by Mark Strand. As you are listening: Mark a * next to words/lines that are cool Mark a ! For something you think is important Mark a ? For things that don’t make sense
Poetry Splash- Teacher Model On the back, complete the chart. Then answer the questions on the front.
(notice the words and language used) What I Think What I Read (notice the words and language used) What I Think (what do these words mean? Why are they here?) What I wonder (questions or wonderings about the poem) The speaker has eaten poems I don’t really think the speaker has really “eaten” poems. I wonder why “eating” poems upsets the librarian. The dogs are on the basement stairs and coming up. When I get on my knees and lick her hand, she screams
On a gut reaction, what would you rate this poem (1 = lowest 10=best thing ever). How did the poem make you feel? What surprised you? Upon hearing it read a second time, what new things did you notice? What do you think the poem is about? What did you like about the poem? What might this poem be saying?
Poetry Splash- Independent work In your groups, have each person choose a number, 1-8. No person can have the same number. You will receive a poem based on your number Every person in your group will have a different poem.
Poetry Splash Take turns reading your poem out loud to the group. Once everyone has read their poem, begin working on your poem the same way as the one we did together When finished, share and discuss your opinion of the poem with the rest of your group What kind of poem did you have? Did you enjoy it? Do you consider it a good poem? Then AS A GROUP, come up with another definition of poetry and put it on your first worksheet. Again, hold on to this worksheet! You’ll need it later.