NATO Strategic Direction South – Projecting Stability Joint Forces Command Naples ACOS J9 CIMIC CoI Conference 2018
NATO Strategic Direction South – Projecting Stability Purpose: To provide an overview of how JFCNP CIMIC activities in the South are contributing to projecting stability through Cooperation, Education & Training
Agenda Background JFC NP J9 CMI/CIMIC MTTs MTTs Analysis JFCNP in ACO Command Structure JFCNP at a Glance JFCNP Core Tasks (2018) JFC NP J9 CMI/CIMIC MTTs MTTs Facts & Figures (2016 - 2018) MTTs Outlines (CIMIC, CEP, BI) Cross-Cutting Topics (CTTs) MTTs Analysis Challenges & Opportunities Final Considerations
JFCNP in ACO Command Structure Allied Joint HQ Brunssum (822) ACCI NATO CIS Group Mons(+) (1300) Izmir (350) Land Command Ramstein (500) Air Northwood (302) Maritime Uedem (185) CAOC Torrejón P. Renatico (280) DACC SHAPE Mons (950) (875) Naples (862) ACO: Allied Command Operations SHAPE: Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe CIS: Communication and Information System ACCI: Allied Command Counter Intelligence Group CAOC: Combined Air Operations Centre DACC: Deployable Air Command & Control Centre
MISSION & TASK ORGANIZATION JFC NP AT A GLANCE MISSION & TASK ORGANIZATION COM DCOM COS STAFF ADVISORY GROUP The mission of Allied Joint Force Command Naples is to plan, prepare and conduct operations across all domains from Baseline Activities and Current Operations (BACO), including deterrence, through Crisis up to the Maximum Level of Effort (MLE), in order to support NATO’s three core tasks of Collective Defence, Crisis Management and Cooperative Security at the Joint Operational level, as directed by SACEUR. DIRECTOR of MANAGEMENT DCOS OPERATIONS DCOS PLANS DCOS SUPPORT J8 JOC J5 J1 J2 J7 J4 J3 J9 J6 NSD-S HUB J Assesmt CIMIC J Eng MPB J Med
JFC NP AT A GLANCE FOCUS RISKS & THREATS Balkans Inter-state Conflicts Intra-state Conflicts Proliferation of Conventional Arms and WMD Organised Crime Terrorism and Insurgency Piracy Dynamic Instability Weak Governance Poor Socio-economic Conditions Looming Humanitarian Crisis Grave IHL Violations Migrants, Refugees and IDPs Balkans Middle East North Africa & Sahel Sub Sahara MENA region “is defined as the Middle East, North Africa and Sahel, and Sub-Sahara Africa and adjacent areas, waters and airspace.”
JFC NP Core Tasks - Mobile Training Teams (MTTs) MTTs: Allow JFCNP partners to pursue a broad and common vision of security and prepare together for future operations and missions. COLLECTIVE DEFENCE COOPERATIVE SECURITY CRISIS MANAGEMENT MTTs: Create a framework that enhances a broad understanding of the civil dimension and guides JFCNP partners on how best to engage with non-military actors. This objective is achieved through the integration of briefings in the syllabus on the Civil Dimension and the actual participation of Civilian Actors and Organisations (OCHA, UNHCR, WFP etc.) during the MTTs, both CIMIC and CEP. MTTs: Strengthen JFCNP partners knowledge and capacities by collecting, analysing and sharing good practices and lessons identified in crisis response planning, resilience and disaster management. MTTs: Create a framework that enhances a broad understanding of the civil dimension and guides JFCNP partners on how best to engage with non-military actors.
JFC NP J9 CMI/CIMIC MTTs 2016 - 2018 Year CIMIC MA-CEP BI 2016 MOR TUN UAE (2x) KWT JOR (2x) 2017 IRQ KWT * JOR 2018 MRT * UAE * KWT (1x**/1x*) MLT DZA MOL Total 2016 – 2018: CIMIC: 11 MA-CEP: 9 BI: 2 Σ 22 * = CIMIC 1 ** = CIMIC 1 & 2
MTT- Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) Purpose: To provide the training audience with an overview of the various assets, roles, missions, and doctrines related to NATO’s provisions on Civil – Military Cooperation (CIMIC) and its relevance in their daily duties and activities at the operational/strategic level. Learning Outcomes: At the end of the MTT, participants will: Explain in their own words the concept of NATO CIMIC Describe the NATO CIMIC core functions and their contribution to NATO’s core tasks Outline the missions and mandates of key civil organizations and actors Explain the difference between NATO CIMIC and other concepts describing civil-military relations (US CA / UN-CMCoord) Details: Duration: 4-5 days, tailored to requests; Number of participants: 15-40 Target Audience: OF2 to OF5 (or Civilian Equivalent) CIMIC 1: Introduction to NATO CIMIC CIMIC 2: HQ JTF CIMIC contribution to planning & execution of an operation
MTT– Military Assistance to Civil Emergency Planning (CEP) Purpose: To provide the training audience with an overview of NATO’s role in NATO Civil Emergency Planning (CEP), Disaster Relief (DR) and Resilience Learning Outcomes: At the end of the MTT, participants will: Describe in their own words concepts related to civil preparedness and resilience Understand the minimum standards for national resilience: NATO “baseline requirements” Explain basic principles related to civil emergency planning Understand EADRCC as NATO’s principal civil emergency response mechanism in the Euro-Atlantic area Details: Duration: 4-5 days, tailored to requests Number of participants: 15-40 Target Audience: OF2 to OF5 (or Civilian Equivalent)
MTT – Building Integrity (BI) Purpose: To provide the training audience with an overview of the principles of Building Integrity in Operations, by providing subject matter expertise and leading group discussions on the types of corruption risks that can affect military operations. Learning Outcomes: At the end of the MTT, participants will: Describe in their own words basic concepts related to Building Integrity Explain the drivers that threaten Integrity during Operations and its impact on mission success Understand how NATO plans to strengthen integrity, transparency and accountability in the defence and security sectors Details: Duration: 3-5 days, tailored to requests; Number of participants: 15-40 Target Audience: OF2 to OF5 (or Civilian Equivalent)
Common: Cross-Cutting Topics (CTT) Women, Peace and Security Children and Armed Conflict Protection of Civilians Cultural Property Protection Building Integrity
MTT – Opportunities Participation of Civilian Actors and Organisations in MTTs (IOs, GOs, NGOs etc.) provides a comprehensive picture of the operating environment and reflects the full spectrum of Civil-Military Cooperation Lessons identified from MTTs after action reviews/evaluations of the MTT captured through a dedicated questionnaire can inform and shape future MTTs Training audience must include civilian national entities (inter-ministerial and inter-agency approach) Strengthen and enhance MTTs learning outcomes by targeting the same audience with a follow-up training activity (i.e. CIMIC1 and CIMIC2) “Networking”
MTT – Challenges Participants’ selection to be aligned with MTT objectives Cultural Awareness Take into consideration language barriers and the need to use interpreters Need for continued Liaison & Coordination with the HN MTT PoC and the firm commitment/engagement of the requesting entity Standardization of MTT training material (Course Script & Briefing Material) can facilitate the delivery and ensure that the key learning outcomes are achieved Expectations Management: NO NATO approved course, NO tactical level from JFC NP
NATO Strategic Direction South – Final Considerations MTTs offer a rich menu of education & training opportunities and contribute to NATO’s efforts to project stability and strengthening security outside NATO territory Over the last 3 years, MTTs have allowed JFCNP to develop a network of partnerships with non-member countries from the Euro-Atlantic area, the Mediterranean and the Gulf region, and other partners across the globe In 2018-2019, the JFCNP J9 CMI/CIMIC will be implementing a comprehensive liaison & outreach strategy to continue to contribute to the implementation of JFC NP Core Tasks JFC NP broader partnership activities enhance international security, defend the values on which the Alliance is based, and help develop relations based on common values, reciprocity, mutual benefit and mutual respect
Questions? 16