Tools Rib Metal Scraper Sponge Modeling Needle Wire Cutter Loop Tool
Terms Types: Earthenware, Stoneware, Porcelain Dryness: Plastic, Leather-hard, Bone Dry Stages: Greenware, Bisqueware, Glazeware Slip (and score) Plasticity Kiln Wedging
Pinch Pots Make a ball Push in the middle Pinch out the sides Finalize*%26tbm%3Disch%26prmd%3Divns&itbs=1&sa=X&ved=0CDQQrQMwBA
Coiling Create Base Roll long tube Score and Slip Attach Smooth Repeat
Slab Roll out Create shapes Score and Slip Attach and Smooth Repeat
Bas-Relief “A bas-relief, or low relief, is a projecting image with a shallow overall depth.” (Wikipedia) “Relief” comes from the Latin word Relevo meaning “To Raise”.
Additive Sculpting To add clay on to the piece, making it stand out.
Subtractive Sculpting To take clay away from a work, to carve in.