Operating From The Sea The ARG/MEU team continues to be the naval expeditionary force of choice and showcase naval integration every day. CENTCOM MEU supporting OIR, and CENTCOM theater cooperation plan. 31st MEU provides afloat crisis response capability in PACOM AOR. MEU capabilities expand across all five domains. Geographic Combatant Command demand continues to outpace the ARG/MEU availability. MEB-level exercises are enhancing our interoperability between the Navy and the Marine Corps, as well as partner nations abroad. Large Scale exercises are utilizing a realistic mix of MPF ships, amphibious warships, strategic air and sealift and auxiliary platforms. Maritime Prepositioning Squadrons are not only postured for major combat operations, but are providing the presence/lift needed to conduct Phase 0 operations in the PACOM AOR. Integrating the GCE with our Naval partners and the rest of the MAGTF is the focus of our latest C2 initiative Tactical network nodes at the Squad level Enabling reach back to HHQ and Navy afloat Continued development of KILSWITCH Fielded Network on the Move (NOTM) C2 to the tactical edge integrates the entire fighting force, creating enhanced situational awareness for all parties. 5/3/2016 Version 1.0 POC: LCDR Irrgang / Maj Howard POE-50 (703) 614-4510