Fitness for Duty and Return to Work Exams James Rochester, MD WORKNET Occupational Medicine
Fitness for Duty and Return to Work Evaluations Fitness for Duty Evaluation (FFD) Problems with job performance possibly related to medical or physical problems Danger to self or others Inability to safely perform essential functions of the job (good job descriptions) Need to be observable and documentable Consistently applied Written policy
FFD & RTW Evaluations Return to Work (RTW) Employee has been out of work Work or non-work related Is employee safe to return to work?
FFD & RTW Evaluations In both cases need LOTS & LOTS of Info Info From Employer What is their concern? Reports from supervisors Reports from co-workers Results of their investigation What is the job? Good, detailed job description On-site visit by provider
FFD and RTW Evaluations Info From Employee Office Notes from managing providers Operative Reports Imaging Study Reports Therapy Notes Hospital Records Note from treating provider stating, “ Patient ok to go back to full duty” not enough
FFD and RTW Evaluations Process Information received is read and reviewed May require additional requests for more records Once all info received and reviewed, then appointment made for employee to come in for evaluation
FFD and RTW Evaluations The Visit Extensive history obtained from patient What happened? What symptoms are you experiencing? What makes them better/worse? What has been done to date? Any ongoing problems or issues? Have you been fully discharged from care? For FFD; is this effecting your ability to do your job? For RTW; do you feel you can do your normal work?
FFD and RTW Evaluations Exam Focused on the areas in question Sometimes creates more questions than answers
FFD and RTW Evaluations Medical Opinion Is person safe to perform job functions? Are they a danger to self or others? Do they need restrictions? Do they need more treatment and re-evaluation?
FFD and RTW Evaluations Issues we see at WORKNET No investigation done by company Employee has no idea why they are at our office Employee sent in by company with no information regarding the issues/concerns at hand
FFD and RTW Evaluations Solutions Call us first We can help you determine what information is needed Explaining situation allows us to devote enough time in schedule for adequate and appropriate evaluation to render best medical opinion we can