The Civil Rights Movement Begins Big Picture: Academy Of Achievement Photo Credit <> Left Margin (top to bottom) Wikipedia image at <> 2. Wikipedia image at <> 3. Malcolm.jpg at <> 4. Wikipedia image at <> I used the Georgia font because I thought it would be fitting for the Civil Rights Movement.
The South at the Start of the Movement A. Jim Crow Laws Laws that made segregation legal B. KKK Used fear and intimidation to limit African American rights C. Denial of 15th Amendment Gave right to vote in 1870 Used poll taxes, literacy tests, & intimidation to keep African Americans from voting
Early Civil Rights Events A. 1947: Jackie Robinson became the first African American baseball player in the major league B. 1948: President Truman desegregates the military
Thurgood Marshall & the NAACP A. Marshall was attorney B. Decided to fight school segregation in court system
Brown v. Board of Education A. Challenged decision in Plessy v. Ferguson Passed in 1896 Said that SEPARATE was LEGAL if it was EQUAL B. Linda Brown’s parents sued school board so she could attend white school near home C. Supreme Court ruled that “separate but equal” was UNCONSTITUTIONAL White School African American School
Rosa Parks & the Montgomery Bus Boycott A. Ms. Parks refused to give up her seat B. Boycott began C. Demands: Courteous treatment 1st come, 1st serve seats African Americans will still sit toward back Hire some black bus drivers D. Last 381 days E. Bus Company almost went bankrupt F. 1956: Supreme Court ruled segregation of buses illegal
Martin Luther King Jr. A. Became a Civil Rights leader came during the Montgomery Bus Boycott. B. Preached non-violent resistance: Using only peaceful protest C. Organized March on Washington in 1963 Gave famous “I Have a Dream Speech” Martin Luther King was born in Atlanta Georgia to Rev. Martin Luther King Sr. and Alberta Williams King. At Morehouse College, King was mentored by Civil Rights leader Benjamin Mays. King later became minister of the Dexter Ave. Baptist Church. King started his campaign for Civil Rights during the Montgomery Bus Boycott. After the movement, King helped found the SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference.) Picture: <,%20Jr.%20--%203.jpg>
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) A. Established by King and other ministers in 1957 B. Wanted to End segregation Encourage voter registration
Crisis at Little Rock 1957 A. 9 African American students were to admitted to all white Little Rock High School B. Governor of Arkansas blocked door C. President Eisenhower had to send federal troops to protect them
SIT-INS A. Form of protest used B. Patrons refused to give up seats in segregated public facilities C. Form of non-violent protest D. Greensboro, N.C. diner most famous
Southern Resistance to Civil Rights A. Southern Manifesto Southerners promise to defy Supreme Court orders to desegregate B. KKK used fear and intimidation C. Massive Resistance: Southerner’s trying to stop Civil Rights movement