Exam 1 Slide List Mesoamerica and Andean Art: For the exam, the slide list will be fill in the blank. This means you need to know the artist name, title, date, and/or location. Any of these slides may be used for your essay question
Chicomoztoc (Place of the 7 caves), The Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca, 16th century
Aztlan- Promised Land Foundation of Tenochtitlan, Codex Mendoza, 16th century
Coatlicue, Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City
The Sun Stone (Aztec Calendar), Mexico City, Post Classic 1479, Basalt
Suken Plaza- Chavin de Huantar
Relief panels of Parading Shamans, Sunken Court, Chavin de Huantar.
The Lanzón Cult Image, Old Temple, Chavin de Huantar
Paracas Linear Style Embroidery Mantle in Red and Blue
Paracas Block Color Style Mantle w/ Flying Shamans