Where to Go for Info? Biological Sciences website www.tarleton.edu/biology Biological Sciences on Facebook Get to know the faculty
Typical First Year BIOL 120 & 121 or BIOL307, 303 CHEM 105 & 108 or 201 MATH 107 & 109 or 120 ENGL 111 & 112 or 2--
Bachelor of Science in Biology General Biology Freshwater Ecology Marine Ecology Environmental Biology Molecular Biology Wildlife Biology Life Science Teacher Certification Science Teacher Certification
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science General Biomedical Sciences Pre-Medical Pre-Dental Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Veterinary
Plan B? Know your career options! Talk with biology faculty Websites Career guides in Biology office & library Talk with biology faculty Be honest with yourself
Student Organizations Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society American Medical School Association Tarleton Science Teachers Association Wildlife Society
Research Opportunities Ecology Genetics Physiology