Theme: Rare Diseases/Conditions Compound Sentences Theme: Rare Diseases/Conditions
Definition Compound Sentence: A sentence that contains at least two independent clauses (IC) joined by a coordinating conjunction (CC) or a semicolon (;) IC + ,CC + IC = compound sentence IC + ; + IC = compound sentence Uner Tan syndrome causes you to walk on all fours, and it causes you to speak in a primitive language. The first family discovered to have this condition is from Hungary, but the majority of cases come from Turkey.
Coordinating Conjunctions (CC) (BOYFANS) But: contrast, opposition Or: choice, options Yet: contrast, opposition For: cause of something (works like “because” or “since” in a complex sentence) And: addition Nor: addition of a negative idea So: second clause is the result of the first Coordinating conjunctions show the relationships between the clauses
Using But, Yet but, yet: the clauses are opposite or contrasting (they are interchangeable coordinating conjunctions) Progeria is a rare genetic disorder that causes premature aging, but it is not a disease you can inherit from your parents. Progeria is a rare genetic disorder that causes premature aging, yet it is not a disease you can inherit from your parents. Many patients tend to die by the age of 13 from heart attacks or strokes, but they don’t seem to be affected by cancerous situations. Many patients tend to die by the age of 13 from heart attacks or strokes, yet they don’t seem to be affected by cancerous situations.
Using For Use “for” like you would use because in a complex sentence The condition elephantiasis got its name, for the arms and legs tend to grow to look like an elephant’s leg. (2 ICs on either side of the coordinating conjunction, “for” being used like “because”) Body parts become enlarged, for lymph fluid accumulates in areas after something blocks the fluid from moving within the lymphatic system. Elephantiasis is usually found in underdeveloped regions, for people aren’t as naturally protected from mosquitos that transfer the Brugia Malayi worms that cause Elephantiasis.
Using Nor You won’t have what looks like an IC on the right side of the CC nor Whatever helping verb/verb you use in the 1st IC must be used in the 2nd IC. (should, do, have, is/are) The first IC will include “not” Oral medications have NOT worked to cure Epidermodysplasia verruciformis, nor have any remedies that you rub into the lesions. People with Tree bark skin disorder should NOT be in the sun, nor should they live in areas that are at a high altitude
Compound Sentences with a Semicolon IC ; IC = compound sentence You may simply replace the ,CC with a (;), but you may also add a word or more to make the relationship understandable The two ICs must still have a relationship with each other (contrasting, option, addition, etc.) The condition elephantiasis got its name, for the arms and legs tend to grow to look like an elephant’s leg. The condition elephantiasis got its name; the arms and legs tend to grow to look like an elephant’s leg.
Compound Sentences with a Semicolon Many patients tend to die by the age of 13 from heart attacks or strokes, but they don’t seem to be affected by cancerous situations. Many patients tend to die by the age of 13 from heart attacks or strokes; they don’t seem to be affected by cancerous situations. Many patients tend to die by the age of 13 from heart attacks or strokes, yet they don’t seem to be affected by cancerous situations. Many patients tend to die by the age of 13 from heart attacks or strokes; they don’t seem to be affected by cancerous situations.
Nor and the Semicolon You may not use a (;) instead of “,nor”; you must reword the 2nd IC Correct: People with Tree bark skin disorder should NOT be in the sun, nor should they live in areas that are at a high altitude. Incorrect: People with Tree bark skin disorder should NOT be in the sun; should they live in areas that are at a high altitude. Correct: People with Tree bark skin disorder should NOT be in the sun; also they should NOT live in areas that are at a high altitude. (add a word similar in meaning to the CC, make the 1st and 2nd IC have the same words/word order)
Nor and the Semicolon Correct: Oral medications have NOT worked to cure Epidermodysplasia verruciformis, nor have any remedies that you rub into the lesions. Incorrect: Oral medications have NOT worked to cure Epidermodysplasia verruciformis; have any remedies that you rub into the lesions. Correct: Oral medications have NOT worked to cure Epidermodysplasia verruciformis; moreover, remedies that you rub into the lesions have NOT worked. Correct: Oral medications have NOT worked to cure Epidermodysplasia verruciformis; remedies that you rub into the lesions have NOT worked either.
Compound Sentences with Multiple ICs As long as you have ICs, as long as you have a (,CC) or (;), and as long as everything makes sense together, you may have as many ICs in your sentence as you want. Elephantiasis got its name, for the arms and legs tend to grow to look like an elephant’s leg, but you can also get Elephantiasis of the genitals or the face. It is known that Elephantiasis is transmitted by mosquito bites, yet people still get bitten, transmitting the worm; as a result, Elephantiasis cases continue to pop up with no cure in sight.
Hhmm, good question What is the difference between a conjunction, coordinating conjunction, and subordinating conjunction?
Hhmm, good question What is the difference between a conjunction, coordinating conjunction, and subordinating conjunction? Conjunction: joins words, phrases Coordinating Conjunction: joins ICs in compound sentences Subordinating Conjunctions: joins ICs and a DCs in complex sentences ___ = how the terms are similar Bold = how the terms are different