Safe, Not Sorry Agent Safety KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Risky Business Avoid these risky behaviors. KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Risky Business Avoid these risky behaviors. © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Top Six Risky Tasks Entering Foreclosed/Vacant Homes Why? KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Top Six Risky Tasks Entering Foreclosed/Vacant Homes Why? squatters, former owners/renters, animals, home safety Stay Safe inspect exterior don’t confront a squatter bring a friend/co-worker let others know where you are visit during the day Discuss: Entering Foreclosed/Vacant Homes Why? squatters, former owners/renters, animals, home safety Stay Safe inspect exterior don’t confront a squatter bring a friend/co-worker let others know where you are visit during the day © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Top Six Risky Tasks Meeting New Client for First Time Why? KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Top Six Risky Tasks Meeting New Client for First Time Why? client may pose safety threat (stalker, thief, etc.) Stay Safe meet at the office first ask for ID complete customer identification form introduce them to a co-worker Discuss: Meeting New Client for First Time Why? client may pose safety threat (stalker, thief, etc.) Stay Safe meet at the office first ask for ID complete customer identification form introduce them to a co-worker © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Top Six Risky Tasks Showing Properties Alone Why? KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Top Six Risky Tasks Showing Properties Alone Why? touring vacant properties with strangers Stay Safe use the buddy system avoid confined spaces/rooms walk behind the client let others know where you are have an escape excuse Discuss Showing Properties Alone Why? touring vacant properties with strangers Stay Safe use the buddy system avoid confined spaces/rooms walk behind the client let others know where you are have an escape excuse © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Top Six Risky Tasks Open House Why? KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Top Six Risky Tasks Open House Why? invitation to anyone to meet you in a private setting Stay Safe promote security in your ads partner up introduce yourself to the neighbors watch for patterns stow away your valuables Discuss Open House Why? invitation to anyone to meet you in a private setting Stay Safe promote security in your ads partner up introduce yourself to the neighbors watch for patterns stow away your valuables © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Top Six Risky Tasks Flashy Personal Marketing Why? KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Top Six Risky Tasks Flashy Personal Marketing Why? marketing materials can encourage criminals to target you Stay Safe avoid provocative photos in your marketing watch what you wear protect your personal information Discuss Flashy Personal Marketing Why? marketing materials can encourage criminals to target you Stay Safe avoid provocative photos in your marketing watch what you wear protect your personal information © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Top Six Risky Tasks Transporting Strangers in Your Car Why? KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Top Six Risky Tasks Transporting Strangers in Your Car Why? risk of being robbed, car stolen, and victimized Stay Safe drive separately, if not—you drive watch where you park Discuss Transporting Strangers in Your Car Why? risk of being robbed, car stolen, and victimized Stay Safe drive separately, if not—you drive watch where you park © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Meeting Safety Confirm identity of person you are meeting KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Meeting Safety Confirm identity of person you are meeting name, address, phone, copy of driver’s license make sure office knows where you are and who you are with Meet in public place or office beforehand assess character in safe environment criminal not likely to appear in public Discuss Meeting Safety Confirm identity of person you are meeting Meet in public place or office beforehand © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Meeting Safety Avoid putting yourself in vulnerable situations KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Meeting Safety Avoid putting yourself in vulnerable situations drive separate vehicles if you need to share, make sure you drive clients to walk ahead of you avoid entering confined spaces be aware of surroundings Don’t show vacant properties alone Meeting Safety Avoid putting yourself in vulnerable situations Don’t show vacant properties alone © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Meeting Safety Know the terrain Know the terrain KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Meeting Safety Know the terrain go through the home before showing know the location of exits make sure no doors locked during showing Don’t work alone especially during an open house have a trusted person shadow Meeting Safety Know the terrain Don’t work alone © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Meeting Safety Carry your phone Keep it professional Carry your phone KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Meeting Safety Carry your phone at all times have it readily accessible Trust your instincts if you feel uncomfortable, leave if you think there is high risk—call 911 Keep it professional don’t give out personal address or contact info Meeting Safety Carry your phone Trust your instincts Keep it professional © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Open House Safety – Agents KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Open House Safety – Agents Safety in numbers Use a checklist Charged cellphone with emergency numbers on speed dial Make note of escape routes in home Ensure escape through backyard Visitors sign in—full name, phone, email Walk behind clients/visitors Open Houses Safety for agents Go over the tips on the slide. Stress the importance of being safe. © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Open House Safety – Agents KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Open House Safety – Agents Avoid small, closed areas such as attics, basements, small rooms Meet the neighbors—ask them to keep an eye Notify your office, friend, relative and call them each hour—have them call you Ensure home is empty—search before you leave Open Houses safety for agents Discuss why each point is important: Avoid small, closed areas such as attics, basements, small rooms Meet the neighbors—ask them to keep an eye Notify your office, friend, relative and call them each hour—have them call you Ensure home is empty—search before you leave © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Open House Safety – Agents KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Open House Safety – Agents Make sure all deadbolt locks are unlocked for faster escape Place your business card with date and time on the back in the kitchen cupboard When prospects arrive, write down car description, plate numbers, and physical details Watch the prospects, not the house Open House safety for agents Discuss why each point is important: Make sure all deadbolt locks are unlocked for faster escape Place your business card with date and time on the back in the kitchen cupboard When prospects arrive, write down car description, plate numbers, and physical details Watch the prospects, not the house © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Open House Safety – Clients KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Open House Safety – Clients Protect your valuables -keep off-site or locked up 2. Keep track of who enters the property -log ID and registration forms 3. Limit visitors to one at a time -have an assistant escort additional visitors Open House safety for your clients. Discuss the importance of each point: 1. Protect your valuables -keep off-site or locked up 2. Keep track of who enters the property -log ID and registration forms 3. Limit visitors to one at a time -have an assistant escort additional visitors © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Travel Safety Avoid being isolated. If a predator is in your car: KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Travel Safety Avoid being isolated. If a predator is in your car: stay calm stop them from taking you to another location be familiar with the area drive to the police station Travel Safety Discuss how to travel safely when you are alone. Avoid being isolated. If a predator is in your car: stay calm stop them from taking you to another location be familiar with the area drive to the police station © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Travel Safety Stay on routes with traffic and crowds of people KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Travel Safety Stay on routes with traffic and crowds of people When you come to a stop sign or light, move your car next to a parked car Slam on brakes and exit the car Take advantage of any distraction Get their info before they get in your car Travel Safety Discuss how to travel safely when you are alone: Stay on routes with traffic and crowds of people When you come to a stop sign or light, move your car next to a parked car Slam on brakes and exit the car Take advantage of any distraction Get their info before they get in your car © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
10 Second Rule for Personal Safety KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM 10 Second Rule for Personal Safety When you arrive at your destination well-lit area? can you be blocked in? any questionable activity? After you step out of your car any suspicious people? do you know where you’re going? Go over the 10 Second Rules: 2 Seconds: When you arrive at your destination well-lit area? can you be blocked in? any questionable activity? 2 Seconds After you step out of your car any suspicious people? do you know where you’re going? © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
10 Second Rule for Personal Safety KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM 10 Second Rule for Personal Safety As you walk towards your destination people around or strangely quiet? obstacles or hiding places? anyone loitering? At the door any uneasy feelings? is someone following you in? Go over the 10 Second Rules: 2 Seconds: As you walk towards your destination people around or strangely quiet? obstacles or hiding places? anyone loitering? 2 Seconds At the door any uneasy feelings? is someone following you in? © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
10 Second Rule for Personal Safety KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM 10 Second Rule for Personal Safety As soon as you enter your destination anything out of place? anyone there who shouldn’t be or who isn’t expected? Go over the 10 Second Rules: 2 Seconds: As soon as you enter your destination anything out of place? anyone there who shouldn’t be or who isn’t expected? © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Safety Tips Trust your instincts! Be suspicious of everyone KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Safety Tips Trust your instincts! Be suspicious of everyone don’t turn your back on guests have clients enter in front of you ID and prequalify at your first appointment put a procedure in place for new clients Let technology work for you keep your cellphone charged and with you at all times download a personal security app on your phone i.e., Watch Over Me, bSafe, StaySafe, React Mobile, Onwatch Review the safety tips on the slide. Be ready for any questions or why these are important. © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Safety Tips Always communicate with your office KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Safety Tips Always communicate with your office Have a plan for safe open houses park where you can exit quickly meet the neighbors Use predetermined code words to alert others Conduct safe personal marketing Dress for safety Know how to defend yourself KWFR16 Headline + Numbered Content © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Safety Tips Show properties before dark Keep it professional KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Safety Tips Show properties before dark Keep it professional Advise clients to forward all inquiries to you Strong, quality locks on the home Block identity theft Wear a name tag or ID badge Use antivirus software Ensure your cell has service Review the safety tips on the slide. Be ready for any questions or why these are important. © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Safety Tips Leave any situation where you feel uncomfortable or threatened Use caller ID Cut large boxes for recycling into small pieces (large boxes indicate large purchase for thieves) Hide personal information (mail, bills, etc.) Check for personal danger when you arrive Don’t admit you are alone Review the safety tips on the slide. Be ready for any questions or why these are important. © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Safety Tips Don’t send private, personal information through email KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Safety Tips Don’t send private, personal information through email Don’t get lost—use GPS, maps, etc. Lock up client keys Use only private, secure websites for purchases Be aware of your surroundings—take note of anything suspicious Keep your keys secure Review the safety tips on the slide. Be ready for any questions or why these are important. © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Safety Tips Hide jewelry, items of value KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Safety Tips Hide jewelry, items of value Don’t use your phone while driving Carry less on your person (purses in trunks, carry nonvaluable items) Park on the road, not in the driveway Monitor your financial accounts Change the locks on new rental Review the safety tips on the slide. Be ready for any questions or why these are important. © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Safety Tips Preprogram numbers on your speed dial KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM Safety Tips Preprogram numbers on your speed dial Don’t respond to phishing emails Be aware of scams in the area Include your clients in safety checks Don’t describe properties as “vacant” on listings Shred important documents Don’t share personal information over the phone Call someone while travelling to and from appts Review the safety tips on the slide. Be ready for any questions or why these are important. © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
“Safety is more important than convenience.” KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM “Safety is more important than convenience.” - Dan Hambridge © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
“Safety doesn’t happen by accident.” KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM “Safety doesn’t happen by accident.” - Unknown © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
“Safety isn’t expensive, it’s priceless.” KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM “Safety isn’t expensive, it’s priceless.” - Unknown © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
KWFR16 11/12/2018 12:33:38 AM “Safety is something that happens between your ears, not something you hold in your hands.” - Jeff Cooper © Keller Williams Realty, Inc. 2016
Lunch 'n Learns for Market Center Delivery 8 x 8 + 33 Touch = Magic! Action Plan List at least ONE action you will take as a result of what you’ve learned. 1. _________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________ Now that we have discussed this topic, it is time to take action! Activity: Write down three action items you are going to do when you leave this training. Circle the ONE action that you are going to do first. Create your plan to accomplish this ONE action item. Brought to you by Keller Williams University ©2015 Keller Williams Realty, Inc. Be Smart, Be Safe
Lunch 'n Learns for Market Center Delivery 8 x 8 + 33 Touch = Magic! Thank you for attending! Please complete your evaluation. Brought to you by Keller Williams University ©2015 Keller Williams Realty, Inc.