Guiding Questions What are your general reactions to the data? What questions do these data raise for you? What’s the story behind the data? How does this connect to your personal experience? What further information would be helpful? What solutions can you think of to address the issues raised by these data?
Smarter Balanced Grade 3 English Language Arts Performance, by Ethnicity (2015-16) Source: California Department of Education, 2015 (accessed July 2016).
Smarter Balanced Grade 11 Math Performance, by Ethnicity (2015-16) 11th graders who score in the Standard Exceeded range are considered ready for college-level math upon entering a CSU or CCC and may directly enroll in a for-credit math course without taking a placement exam or first enrolling in a developmental math course. Source: California Department of Education, 2015 (accessed July 2016). In 11th grade, Standard Met = “conditionally college ready”; Standard Exceeded = “college ready.” Students not meeting the “college ready” benchmark by the time they enroll at CSU are required to take remedial coursework.
Cohort Graduation and Dropout (2014-15) Source: California Department of Education, 2016 (accessed June 2016).
12th Grade A-G Completion, by Ethnicity and Gender (2014-15) Source: California Department of Education, 2016 (accessed June 2016).
Suspension, by Ethnicity (2014-15) Source: California Department of Education, 2015 (accessed June 2016).
…Add additional slides with any other data of interest, using the Commonly Used Data Sources document for ideas! Also, feel free to mix and match with the ready-made state-level slides in the PDF under Option 1.