Piedmont K-5 Math Adoption May 29, 2008
Overview What Elementary Math Looks Like Historical Perspective District Philosophy Process and Criteria Why We Chose Everyday Math? Next Steps Questions & Discussion
Goals for K-5 Mathematicians Love of math and appreciation for numbers True understanding of number to be “mathematically powerful” Efficient and accurate strategies for problem solving Fluent use of mathematical language Concrete experiences with skill applications
Mathematical Competencies Conceptual Competence: Knowing WHAT to do and WHY Procedural Competence: Knowing HOW to do it Mathematical Reasoning Competence: Knowing WHEN and WHERE to do it Knowing how to explain reasons
Philosophy of Piedmont’s K-5 Mathematics Program Students will learn mathematical content and become mathematical thinkers Students will apply mathematical concepts across curricular areas and to real world situations Teachers will encourage creative thinking and offer multiple methods and strategies for problem solving Teachers will provide challenges for all levels of competency through differentiation
Criteria Development Curriculum Council Presentation Collaboration Day meetings K-5 Articulation Meetings Professional Development Days With Math Solutions Staff Fall 2007
Review Criteria Presents a rigorous program that is well aligned with state and national standards in scope and sequence Balances conceptual understanding and skills development Follows a logical progression and establishes routines for learning Incorporates concrete models and constructs as pathways to abstract understanding Emphasizes the development of number sense and its application to real-world problem solving Supports differentiated instruction Engages students in collaborative learning activities in order for them to communicate, refine and extend their mathematical reasoning Provides quality assessment materials Incorporates the use of technology as learning tools Supports all members of the learning/teaching community
Review Process (continued) Curriculum Council Teacher Team reviewed state approved materials using criteria developed at prior meetings Narrowed choices to 5 possibilities Teacher review Pilots, discussions, publisher presentations Narrowed down to 2 choices Everyday Mathematics & Envision Further articulation meetings and discussion Consensus reached – Everyday Mathematics Planned – Ongoing review and evaluation and supplementation as needed
Overview of Key Materials For Students Student Reference Book/My Reference Book Student Math Journal – 2 volumes Study Link (homework) Manipulative sets For Teachers Teacher Reference Book Math Masters – additional activities Differentiation Handbook Skills Link – additional computation practice Home Connection Handbook Assessment Handbook English Learners Handbook
Balanced Program Conceptual Understanding Knowing what to do and being able to explain Vocabulary Hands on Activities & Games Opportunities to explain and Discuss Computation and Procedural Skills Knowing how to do it Math Facts Algorithms Problem Solving Knowing When and Where to do it Mixed problem sets Complex problems Identifying the appropriate operations
Math Facts Goal: All students learn their math facts to automaticity Current practices: students develop understanding of the concept of addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division using concrete models students connect abstract symbols (+ - x ) to concept students develop understanding of the commutative properties of addition and multiplication students develop understanding of the inverse relationships between addition and subtraction/ multiplication/division students learn math facts to automaticity flash cards – regular and triangular practice sheets games 9 Lines ® method
Algorithms US standard algorithms are good for doing fast, accurate computation They are not very good for helping students understand concepts Some alternate algorithms can help students understand what they are doing When students understand underlying concepts they can use algorithms more effectively and appropriately
Algorithms In Everyday Mathematics children discover and use alternate algorithms for addition, subtraction, multiplication & division They are also taught the US standard algorithms If we don’t see students mastering skills, we will supplement – and we have lots of materials already to teach these skills
Differentiation Embedded in the program – daily lessons Math Boxes Readiness - for everyone Enrichment - added depth and breadth in the same concept for advanced students Extra Practice - not just more problems but another format to reinforce foundation concept Math Boxes Preview material not yet learned – have reference to page in Student Reference book Projects Naturally varied extensions which students can connect with on their own level – added adjustments provided in Differentiation handbook Separate resources for English Language Learners
Progressive Sequence With Spiraling Curriculum follows a progressive sequence but concepts keep coming back for review and further development. This also allows students to discover and develop connections and deepen understanding. ‘Like climbing a spiral staircase – with each twist of the stairs, the previous steps can be seen but you are farther and higher.’
Assessment Traditional summative assessments at the end of each unit Basic skills assessment & tracking tools Self assessment Informal observation & slate assessments
Home School Connection Family letters by unit to keep families informed and provide information on how to assist students Do Anytime activities provided to families FAQ on topics of interest Parent education to be provided as needed by math specialists and classroom teachers
Pacing of Program Pacing Chart to keep on target Extra days to reteach or expand or supplement 60-70 lessons each semester 90 instructional days each semester