Lesson Four: Miscellaneous Task List Actions In this lesson, you will learn how to: Print Tasks Lists View Additional Task Information Lesson Four: Miscellaneous Task List Actions 1
Miscellaneous Task List Actions To view additional information about a task, right click on the task list and select one of the options listed below. Order Info…: Displays who entered the order, who ordered it and when, and the "owner" department. Select the appropriate tab to view order details, comments, validation information, additional information, history, and results. Order Comment: If there is a comment attached to the order, it is displayed here. Order comments also may be viewed in the Order Details column. If the comment is too long for the space provided, an ellipsis (…) is displayed. Drag the column line to the right of the Order Details column-heading name to enlarge the space to show the additional information. View / Create Admin Note: Use this selection to add an administrative note regarding a task. Reference Manual: Opens Online Reference Information, including Preps, etc. If there is no Reference Information available, nothing appears. Patient Snapshot: Displays site-defined information such as the patient’s diagnosis and allergies. Select All: Selects all tasks on the task list. Deselect All: Deselects any tasks that were selected on the task list. Lesson Four: Miscellaneous Task List Actions 2
Miscellaneous Task List Actions Viewing Additional Task Information: Reference Manual To view associated Preps, Drug Information, and Education Leaflets for a task, right click on the task and select Reference Manual. If there are no associated preps or reference information, this option will be grayed out. Lesson Four: Miscellaneous Task List Actions 3
Miscellaneous Task List Actions Viewing Additional Task Information: Admin Notes An admin note is a clinician-to-clinician communication, such as "Do not allow the patient to walk unassisted." Only one Admin Note icon is displayed per patient, but multiple entries may be displayed on the same note. Lesson Four: Miscellaneous Task List Actions 4
Miscellaneous Task List Actions Viewing Additional Task Information: Admin Notes To create an Admin Note: Right-click the task and select Create Admin Note from the menu displayed. The Admin Note window opens. Click the white box to position the cursor, and enter the admin note. (You should always date entries in the Admin Notes since multiple entries can be displayed on the same note.) To clear one entry, highlight it, and press DELETE. To clear all entries, simply click Clear. Click OK to save your note and to return to the Task List window. Notice that the admin note icon now is displayed in the second column, indicating that a note has been created. Lesson Four: Miscellaneous Task List Actions 5
Miscellaneous Task List Actions Printing the Multi Patient Task List To Print the SPTL or MPTL: Select Print Screen from the Task menu. On the Print dialog box, indicate the print range and the number of copies that you want. Click Ok to print. Remember, you can print if you just need to carry a list of tasks, but Task Lists are updated immediately when a new order is placed and a printed list may become very quickly outdated. Lesson Four: Miscellaneous Task List Actions 6
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