Jean-Claude Worms, ESF Chief Executive Briefing to NuPECC Jean-Claude Worms, ESF Chief Executive 16 March 2018
OUR EXPERTISE 300,000 researchers supported through ESF activities Proven science management procedures Change 2,000 programmes managed in 30 countries 12 languages spoken by our team
MEMBERSHIP & VISIBILITY New governance (10 members, full and associate) is stabilized and growing again New members are Serbia, and Euroscience, the grass-roots association of European researchers (ESOF) Membership redeployment starting, based on SWOT analysis of ESF and its new mission, and elaboration of membership benefits document – i.e. not simply Science Connect ESF still very visible on the European landscape, and invited to most high-level events or consultations (FP9, SAM, Smits/Paquet, governance, etc.)
SERVICES ESF’s aim is to serve the needs of the European research community and it is currently offering services to science and research in Europe through: Research Grant Evaluation Institutional Evaluation European Projects Coordination and Support Career Tracking Surveys and Analysis Scientific Platforms Hosting Change
GRANT EVALUATION (2017-2018) Identify the best research and optimise the use of your internal resources Key performance indicators 16 1 738 23 1 966 Peer Review Missions Proposals assessed Panels organized Expert Reviewers mobilized
EUROPEAN PROJECT COORDINATION Improve your proposal success rate, alleviate the administrative burden on your staff, and run a better project Ideas & Partners Call Topic Consortia Project elaboration Proposal Budget Current coordinated/supported EC Contracts
MERIL & RIs NEW RI PROJECTS RI Impact Pathways (starting) CatRIS (proposal) Nuclear Physics RI Estimate of number of RI users from NuPECC communities (nuclear physics, particle physics, astrophysics)?
2017 CAREER TRACKING SURVEY PARTNERS Universities Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany) Maastricht University (Netherlands) Technical University Munich (Germany) University of Bucharest (Romania) University of Split (Croatia) University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg) Non-university research performing organisations Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology Institute of Science and Technology Austria Research Funder Axa Research Fund (France)
2017 CAREER TRACKING SURVEY MAIN FINDINGS High employment rates (95 %) and mostly on permanent contracts (65%) Found a job on average in four months 80% work as researchers 60 % work in the academic field University employees have lowest levels of permanent employment (50 %) Click below to download the Full Report: doctorate-holders/2017-career-tracking-survey-of- doctorate-holders/
ESF Community of Experts - CoEx Since 1974, over 300,000 scientists from 186 countries have benefited from participation in 2,000 ESF networks and programmes This is an invaluable network, which we are reactivating and expanding as the ESF Community of Experts. The ESF Community of Experts plays a vital role in sustaining scientific collaboration, supporting excellence in peer-review and in research grant and proposal evaluation.
Membership in the CoEx 1┃ CoRP - College of review panel members – 195 members 2┃ CoER - College of expert reviewers – 3,900 members 3┃ CoResA - College of Reseach Associates – 172 members
CoEx – Membership map
CoEx – Gender balance
SCIENTIFIC PLATFORM HOSTING Benefit from effective secretariats, hosting platforms and organisational structures (finance, HR, communication) Composed of high-level independent researchers or research managers who provide targeted expert advice in areas of science, policy, infrastructure, environment and society in Europe policy and foresight dimension Committee on Radio Astronomy Frequencies European Space Sciences Committee Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee
ESF & NuPECC A long-lasting collaboration (1988/1991) Meeting on January in ESF Strasbourg with the incoming Chair Marek Lewitowicz and Scientific Secretary Sissy Körner One thing to consider now that the ESF transition is completed, is the periodic review of NuPECC, as foreseen in the ToR Last one in 2011… ESF to set up a review committee (2018-2019) Self-evaluation report from NuPECC