Donate Money for Poor Children in Haiti.
Lack of Education Before 2010, the rate of literacy was 52.9% Most children in Grand Sable had to walk up to three hours to go to school because of lack of school. Moreover, the condition of school rooms were very poor. Looking at the pictures, class rooms were tents with dirty floors, and old desks and chairs. Source from:
After receiving donation from foundations, education in Haiti has some positive change. The illiterate population in 2010 was 45%. In 2011, five classrooms, cafeteria, library and administrative offices were built. Just $20 dollar, we can support education cost a year for one child. Source from:
Very Poor Condition of Housing Because a serious earthquake destroyed most of structures and house in Haiti, 2 million people became homeless. 85,432 people had to live in 123 camps, and 82 people had to share one restroom. The camp condition is horrible, without electricity, water and even restroom. Source:
Donating to help people in Haiti have better houses to live and raise their children. Before After
Lack of Food and Clean Water Since 2008, 59% of children have been anemic, and 50% of children have died before they are fifteen years old Nearly third of population are hungry every day. Since 2010, The families have used dirty water to be easy to get disease, so more than 8,000 people died because of typhoid, cholera, and chronic diarrhea Because there is not water at home or nearby villages, a five year old child has to walk a hour, and carry a heavy can of water twice a day. Source:
Children are waiting for food
The water sources are used for cooking, washing and drinking every day in Haiti.
Donate money to provide food and clean water Children in Haiti are very happy because they receive rice and meals from foundations.
The funds from donation help people in Haiti can use clean water from water pumps within ½ miles from their villages.
Only $43. 38 you can feed for a child in a year. Only $35 Only $43.38 you can feed for a child in a year. Only $35.00 monthly you can support three nutrition meals, safe house and education for a child. Please! Open widely your arms to save children in need in Haiti.
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